Living my dream.

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Sometimes I wonder if all my problems happen because of me. Not that I'm an unlucky person. I never believed in luck. Sometimes we just use bad luck and good luck to mask the person we truly are. I could just say that "I'm just so unlucky" and you'll believe that but no I'm just really bad of a person. It could be that I'm over thinking everything. I just don't know anymore. My thoughts has always clouded over my thoughts to the point I'm in class writing my thou.."

The suddent break of the the pencil tore a hole into my paper. "Today class we are reading from chapter 3 of Romeo.." The sound of the teachers voice faded when I started looking around the room. "Reading us fun." Sprawled across the front of the class even though I'm in the 11th grade, charming. The rest of the class were bored as I am but the girls we entertained by passing notes. Which I'm assuming is about the boys across from them. Til this day I haven't been into all of the secret messages thing. Even though I'm full of secrets I guess. The pretty blonde was missing from the front row I just recently noticed. Perhaps it was a cold? I better not risk sitting near there tomorrow. I quickly write down in the next page of the notebook. "Can you read the page for us Carole?" The teacher asked the girl who sat in the back. Carole she was pretty I guess she had blonde hair but wasn't exactly preppy like the others. I think she was dating one of the other preps brother at the time. I guess that's why they wasn't in the normal spots.

*Lunch period.*

I quickly packed my things I didn't want to be near the cafeteria when it was full. Instead I would just ran to the nearest bathroom and hid out for 20 minutes. Today was different I followed the cute emo girl from third period there. Of course I didn't see her long before the crowd swallowed her. Sigh she was the only one here that seemed a little interesting to me. Besides her being cute her makeup was different than the rest of them and her hair was black as the rest of her clothes. I don't know why I wanted to get to know her so bad. She was going to treat me like every pretty girl around here does. Completely invisible and ignored but I guess it's not fair to say that because I never talked to her before. Though I felt like she had the chance to since we had the same period it wouldn't be so hard. Maybe that just it she doesn't want anything to do with me.

*Third period*

There she was the desk across from me. I could see her blue eyes from a mile away. She looked back at me for a long minute then looked down at her phone. I wonder if she noticed i was looking into her eyes. I wonder if she was looking into mine. No she couldn't have no one ever does. Maybe if I just tell her that I liked her shirt?! She has a really cool bookbag! Um.. No that's weird I guess.

"So today class we are going to have to pair up. So choose your partners wisely. Also I would like to say if any of y'all talk when I'm taking we are splitting you up and you two will work by yourselves. I'm talking to you." He looked over at Brian in the second row. "Anyways I understand that most of you don't have partners so today we aren't picking by friends we are picking by shirt color. So everyone wearing a colored shirt stand up."

Which is pretty funny because most of the preps were wearing pink and white. The only one wearing yellow took off her hoodie to be in the same color. Unfortunately for me five other kids wearing black shirts. This would be my only chance to be able to talk to her. She was wearing a black shirt with the Marilyn Manson logo on it. I think I seen it at hot topic last week."Anyways class pick your partners." Everyone in the class started moving hastily to get to their friends. As usual I wasn't picked but judging by the other people in black they didn't care either way. Because the of the odd numbers one team was picked with three people. It was only me and Ashley left by the end. "Hello." She said quietly not looking me in the eye. "We're the only two without partners so I guess we have to work together." She picked up her notebooks. "So everyone has picked their partners? Great now get to your seats." Ashley picked up her books and followed me to my seat. She was alot prettier up close. I could see that she had freckles and really great eyebrows.

(To be continued I just wanted to do a tease foe now if y'all guys like the straight stories or boy x girl)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2019 ⏰

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