Le Challenge

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Hey guys, so, last night, my friend i_said_no669 -aka Nova- and I came up with a challenge. It's called the BFA Challenge.

Ink: Or, in actual words, the Best Friend Art Challenge.

...And yeah, Ink's here with me too.

Ink: Yep!

*sigh* Anywho...  The challenge is simple; we're gonna draw artwork for each other, and whoever runs out of ideas first loses.

Ink: Almost like a race.

Exactly. Now I don't know if Nova and I ever decided as to how FREQUENTLY we do these drawings, but I'm just gonna make a new rule. When you're out of ideas, you draw a picture of you or an OC waving a white flag with the words "I give up."

Oh, and, uh... In case you're wondering why Ink's here, I guess Vixen sort of told him what we're doing, and now he wants to be a part of this... So, yeah! He's here for support, I guess!

Ink: That is true.

I figured as much. Anyways, before I end this off, Nova has the rules in her version of this story, so if you wanna see him, go visit her. With that said, let the challenge COMMENCE!

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