chapter one

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Kole Maximilian was your average fresh out of high school jock. He tried to sign with any College baseball team that he talked to but never got in. "To much time out of country anyway.." I mumbled to myself Leaving the campus. I got into my truck and drove off, looking for a place to eat. Passing by hundreds of stores and restaurants around town, I stopped at Timbuktu. 

"Jack still working the grill?

"Yeah, he's around back"

"Great, thanks"

Kole walked around back to see an older guy with a scruffy beard.

"Hey Kole, hows life bud"

"It's pretty good, just thought I would stop by."

This was the same conversation every time I stopped by for a new card. He was my way into the Merc world. It was our little secret, not even my mom knew, and they are married. 

"Is mom home"- this was how we started the card trade everytime

"Yeah, she is" - this meant he has a card for me

"Awesome, I'll head over there"

"Hey, go stop in the car and grab the bag in the back, there's some stuff i need you to take to the trailer." 

"No problem, I'll see you later old man"

"You too"

I walked out to the old trailblazer and grabbed the card from under the seat. I nearly jumped, there were three cards under this time. "Jack has been busy" I told myself as I locked the door and got into my truck. 

Three different states within three days "I'm going to be busy" i told myself as I pulled into my driveway. my mom wasn't actually home today, she was in Panama on a business trip. i needed to pack for mine. "Colorado, Idaho, and New mexico", i kept repeating that sequence in my head. my weekend was to be packed with traveling and probably full of security checks. I called lantern  to meet me in Colorado.

"yes, it's paying big again"

"Good, I'll tell everyone else"

"see, i knew you would get the hang of it"

"shut up, Lantern out"

i yawned and laid in bed, i was to set out at 0300 for colorado.

i woke up around 0215 to the sound of my phone going off, it was an unrecognized number. i turned on my recorder and answered.


"is this Kole Maximilian"

"how did you get this number"

"pretty easy to find, now let me do the questioning. Why did you take the job"

"why do you care"

"your going to get in my way, drop the job and walk away while you can"

It was a female on the phone, she had nerves of steal, calm soothing voice, almost like an angel.

" yeah sure honey, you and what army."

there was an explosion down the street, and my stair sensor went off, SWAT was storming my building.

"ill see you soon" she hung up after what sounded like blowing a kiss. i could hear the men yelling. i grabbed my small gear and ran for the window. my door busted down as i ran through the window, bullets whizzing past me. something ricochet off my jacket. "Rubber bullets" i laughed as i landed and kept running across the roof. something pierced through the gravel behind my heals, they finally switched to something more enegerzing, the thought of getting shot boosted my adrenaline and pushed me farther, jumping roof after roof, I called Boogeyman

"dude what is that noise"

"oh, the typical. being chased by swat across wichita"

"you need your corvette?"

"yes please, loadout baked potato please"

"oh boy, is it triple weekend"

"yes, and now im a wanted criminal"

"yep, and please destroy your phone this time"

"will do"

i smashed my phone as i ran across the roofs, i felt my watch buzz as the corvette coordinates were given to me. all i had to do was lose the feds. the jet black corvette would be hard to stop at night. but then, with active camouflage, it would be impossible. The chopper was hovering above me and a swat team had taken the roof ahead, ready to fire at me, I ran full speed but didn't bother jumping to the next roof, I dropped in between the buildings and right next to my car. i hopped in and took off down the road and lost the feds instantly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2019 ⏰

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