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"Listen Potter, Granger. I don't care what you think, I don't like her. She is a colleague of mine and nothing more."

"But what about when you where in school?"

"We knew each other considering that Lily was her best friend."

"Well, we can change that can't we 'Mione.😉" We set off to find everybody who was in on this. (Ron, Luna, Ginny, Neville, Cho.) We were all determined to get McGonagall and Snape together and we wanted to go back in time.

"Ok, has everybody had a bath with the potion? Right, drink this one, smell this one and then at the same time look into this one."

I opened my eyes and saw my dad, Sirius and Remus looking at me and the rest of us. Mione explained why we were here and they gathered up Lily, Minerva and Severus. Mione explained to them we were gonna play Truth or Dare and the fact that we're from the future.

Truth or Dare with the professorsWhere stories live. Discover now