Twilight in a boarding school and the cullens are all!

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there is alot of swearing so like yeah warning!

Edward POV

"Catch!" someone shouts at me and a ball comes flying for my face but i catch it just before it hits me in the face and i tuck it under my arm and begin to run having to dodge a few people that lunge for me. I'm about the score a light body flings itself at me but its light? That's not right but in my moment of shock, the body brings me down and the ball drops out of my hands and the person gets up fast and grabs the ball from where it rolled to and runs off. While i get up my eyes are on the unknown person and as i watch them i notice this body is slim and has curves? With a tight but? Wait that's not a guy but i get up and begin to run after them for two reasons; to see who this is and to get the ball. As i get closer i lunge at the body and bring it down and all i hear is the sound of us hitting the floor and then i realize where my hand is and its soft and i look to see where it's placed and it is on the girls breast! Crap! my hand retracts and she turns to me to shoot me daggers it beautiful she has deep blue eyes that look like the ocean in summertime her nose is perfectly straight and has full lips to balance her eyes and nose out her cheeks are flushed from the sprint probably and she has hair that flows in perfect brown rings around her face. They fell so that it covered up one of her eyes and as she swept it away i saw that one was a green-brown color but it looked so beautiful like gems on an angel. Wait why is she playing on the guys' football team?

"Uh....hi Edward Cullen" i say as i get off her petite frame i must have been crushing her with my weight but she didn't sound bothered or look bothered by my weight.

"oh so you're the pig-headed manwhore" she says her tone dripping with disgust but it was the best sound i had ever heard.

"Yeah so it's nice to meet you too" i say with the same tone. And she just walks off with the ball at my feet.

"Whatever" she yells over her shoulder.

"Yup....can i have your number?" i ask her because how could she resist my charm and hotness as people put it.

"hhhhmmm let me think about that....NO!" she says as she strides off. How could she say no to me!? I'm the most wanted guy in the whole of the school!

"hey bro' what's up?" my brother jasper asks me as he comes striding from across the field he's not as big as me but can back a punch if he wants to he's also got girls drooling over him but he's only got eyes for this new girl that came a few days ago it was all 'love at first sight' bullshit. It makes me sick i mean why not just say you'll go out with a girl have s*x with her and break up with her? I mean you get s*x and still no nagging girlfriend hanging off your arm all day. But I want to have the girl on the guys' football team so bad it kills me. I have to have her.

"Nothing but who is that new girl on the guys football team?" i ask him putting emphasis on the words girl and guys.

"oh that's Bella Swan she came here with Alice Swan and Emmet Swan a few days ago and coach let her on the guys football team because she used to be on the guys football team in the last school she went to" he says but stutters Alice's name and i just heave a sigh.

"Ok so she's like a he-chick?" i ask him laughing at my name for her.

"Yeah i guess you could say that" he tells me and walks off.

"Wait when did she come here exactely?" I ask him and he turns to smirk at me.

"Has someone got a crush? And she came here four days ago." he states about to turn back around and walk away, but i stop him as i run towards him and look him in the eyes.

"yeah i think so. Could you do me a HUUUUUUUGE favour?" i ask him well more like pleaded.

"what is it? Another girls' phone number by any chance?" he askes me with a smirk splattered on his face.

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