How it Happened

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Hi... My name is Beckette. Unique name right? My mom says it fits me, but I don't really know what that means though.

I'm something people call a Warlock. Us Warlocks perform spells and brew potions. I haven't learned to brew anything yet but I will soon. I only rehearse simple spells on a daily.

Throughout my whole life I was home schooled until one day...

Avgoustos Fourth...

I was in my room after my lesson lying on my bed. I could here my mom,

 "when do tell her that i- Becky! COME DOWN HERE SWEETIE!"

I got up and skipped down the stairs. "Yes mom?" I asked. 

"I'm sorry about this, but I can't home school you anymore Becky. I got the job at the MarbleFall Institution and I can't teach you at home. And well... your dad... lets not leave your education to him."

"Hey! I ain't a dunce, i'm just bad at explaining stuff!"

My mom had an annoyed expression towards my dad,  but when she faced back to me her expression changed back to worried and nervous.

 "Anyways... I think we might have to now... send you... t-"

"Public school?" I  asked.

"Y-yes I was afraid you wont like it." She had frown on her face.

I gave her a puzzled look. "Well, I don't really mind. I've always wanted to talk to other people. I don't know many mundane subjects, like Math, Drama, and Social Strudies."


My dad blurted out

"So um... when do I start?" I asked. "Septemvrios fourth, this year."

"But that's next month! I can't learn basic mundane knowledge in that time!" I groaned.

My mom and dad both grinned. "You can if you practice hard." My mom said. I could tell she liked the idea of me studying more and spending less time on the web.

 "And well, Bennette can help too."

A huge wash of relief came over me. Of course! Bennettes always there to help me out. I should be able to learn all of the necessary information in a matter of weeks now.

Bennette is my mundane brother. My parents found him in a park, abandoned. They decided to adopt him. This was 3 years before I was even born. Which makes Bennette 15 years old now.

My parents decided to send him to public school, but he did know all about magic and our abilities. I guess mom really trusted him to allow him to know.

On the other note, she really had no choice either.

I can't even imagine the weight on my brothers shoulders. Having to keep this amazing world all to himself. Being able to brush your hair without ever touching the brush, creating a potion that can completely change the taste of food to something else. And those are just a few examples!

They're almost endless possibilities!

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2019 ⏰

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