Chapter 1

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The day was overcast, much like the days where you can see cloud in the distance but can't hear the rain yet. You can feel the storm creeping over you, waiting for its opportune moment to release and pelt down on you with full force.

Yes. It was one of those days. The sky told a story of things to come.

Mia's wheels crunched slowly along the rocky country road, rolling hills encasing her, almost swallowing her amongst the tree and mountains. She kept a safe distance between her and the silver Mercedes Benz in front of her. Although it was a quaint little town the real estate agent drove like he was a big shot. The whole way from the small town of Linlake along the winding dirt roads she felt something was out of place. Not quite right. The uneasy boulder sat in the pit of her stomach as she drove on.

She's been looking for a place for over a month now since her initial release. She'd been wrongfully accused of second degree murder. Thankfully she'd gotten out on parole because some new evidence had been brought to light. But it wasn't enough to vindicate her when it came to her friends and towns people. Everyone walked on eggshells around her whenever she was out in public as if she's flip her lid and stab a bitch in the middle of aisle 2 at Wallmart. In small towns people talk. The talk of the town was her and all the rumours of how ruthless and untrustworthy she really was. That she'd lied her way out of jail.

Mia couldn't even walk through the shops for tampons without whispers and beady eyes following her every move.

To slowly ease herself back into society and life out of prison after the 4 years she'd served in the women's correctional facility she decided to rent a house further away from town so she could have a little seclusion.

Obviously because she'd been incarcerated for 4 years she only had her savings which sat in her account. No earnings. Well, if you call 2c per number plate an income. That was $2 a week for 208 weeks which amounted to $8.32. Not even enough to buy a pack of 4 ply toilet paper. So Mia had to settle for something a little bit less than a regular rental.

She drove her old Ford Dodge down the winding road until she came to some wooden fencing which was dilapidated and peeling off white paint. The Mercedes continued through, stirring up the dust and debris behind it.

Mia paused and took in her surroundings. Although the house was out in nature it felt very enclosing, almost as if the hills and trees were bending towards to house, concealing it like a bad secret. As she continued to drive she noticed a small, murky pond to her left. The reeds were so overgrown. You could hide a body in there. Several bodies. The water was a murky grey, ducks flapping and splashing as they took flight out of the slop.

The real estate agent braked to a sudden halt outside the house sending skidding stones rolling along the driveway and a tuft of dust furling up into the air.

It wasn't until they arrived at the rental house that Mia picked up on the out of state number plate. Maybe their business ranged from Linlake to surrounding areas. She couldn't imagine them having too much business in just one small country town. It would make sense to branch out into more rural areas for business sake.

She stepped out of the car and slammed the old door closed with a thump. The hinge groaned after not being used for years. Mia was still finding cobwebs weaved through the seat belts and in the vents after 2 weeks of freedom.

Just looking at the house it felt old and not very homey. It reminded her of an old shack in the woods which had been abandoned by someone in the 70's and it had never been lived in since.

The agent seemed very fidgety. Wringing his fingers and eyes darting from side to side. He patted his forehead with a tartan hanky and shoved it back into his pocket in a rush, like it held all of his secrets.
"Shall we take a look inside?" His mouth seemed dry, almost pasty with thick saliva.

Mia followed him to the front door. The wooden slats of the door partially warped from the weather no doubt. The handle, rusty and copper brown squeaked as the agent stepped through the threshold. Instantly a stench wave of strong mothballs slammed into Mia. It was dark and stagnant. The was an audible clack of a light switch and the ancient fluorescent burst to life, the walls humming with residual energy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2019 ⏰

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