Standing Apart

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Hello, I'm a 16 year old girl with many problems. My original name was Chrysanthemum Lavender, but I now go by Crystal Clever. I'm 5' 10" with my brunet hair about shoulder length long. My hair is normally hanging in front of one of my blue eyes. I dress in dark, leather clothing, not wanting to be noticed. My father, Cornelius, is one of America's top 10 most wanted. That's not something I can go bragging about in school. That's another issue: school. I've probably been in at least 8-12 different schools within the past 2 months! I'm sick and tired of hopping from school to school. I haven't had one true friend since before my dad stared his illegal drug dealings.

Now, before you start jumping to conclusions, I don't do drugs. I have had to help deal drugs and help with a meth lab, but I've never and never will be taking any drugs. It's the only way to get money to keep us two alive. Dad says I'm not aloud to have a job. After my mother died from a gang shooting, my father isolated himself from the world. I went several days without food before I finally dragged him out of his depressed state. My dad, Cornelius, quit his job, (two minutes later when security was pulling him out) when I turned 8. I've learned just to take care of myself.

I try not to make many friends anymore after what happened to Lucy. Lucy and I were both in the third grade and she was trying to cheer me up about my mother dying. I cried on her shoulder during recess when she was ripped away from my grasp by a flying...bird? I don't know, but a flying, whatever it was, picked her up with its talons. I later found her lying dead at the bottom of a tree along with other skeletons. My third grade year was horrible.

Let's get back to reality, shall we? I sitting in history class, bored out of my mind.

"Students please open your books to Chapter 12 on page 274," my teacher, Mrs. Fresh said. "Today, we're going to talk about the Civil War. Can anyone..." That's where I spaced off.

"I dislike history," Amanda stated, smacking her gum. "I mean, come on! Who cares about this?! They're all dead anyway," She did have a point.

"I care! History tells us the about the important events from the past. I tells us how we got to where we are today. You know, how we got our independence," Holly pointed out.

"That's true but it also tells us about how stupid we were," Amanda shot back. "I mean, the Civil War is a good example..." I put in my earbuds, leaned back in my seat, and closed my eyes for a few minutes. The bell ran after that and I darted out of the classroom.

"No running in the hallways, Ms. Lavender," my not-so favorite teacher Mr. Nicollet instructed me.

"I'll try not to next time. I'm just really excited to get to Biology," I smiled lightly.

"Well, I'm glad you're taking an interest in one of your classes," He nodded to go on my way and I continued to the Biology room.

"Chrysanthemum Lavender, please report to the office. Thank you," The speaker clicked off as I tossed my head in defeat.

"Ooooo... Bad Girl gets caught again!" A few boys chanted as I walked down the hallway.

"What did you do this time? Burn a classroom?" One of the boys teased.

"No, I'm wanted for killing a boy and if you don't shut your trap you're next," I smirked and walked away, happy with the terrified look on their faces.

As I enter the office, there was an odd feeling in the air. I shut the door quietly and slumped down in a plush chair near the door. A boy next to me looked up, but quickly looked away.

"Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you," I whispered. He looked up again, his eyes wide.

"But you're in here every day, in the same chair. I mean people don't just come in here for simple things..." He trailed off, turning away again.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2018 ⏰

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