Lauren Jauregui

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"You're such a disappointment." Her father, Michael said.

Lauren looked at her mother with a smile.

"Stop smiling you mistake." Her mother, Clara said.

She then looked at her father still with a smile.

"Wipe that grin off your face, this isn't funny nor a joke. You are the definition of disgrace." Mike said.

"Thanks, love you." Lauren said.

"We don't love you." Clara said.

"Aww, you guys are so nice." Lauren said.

"Are you dumb? You must be." Mike said.

"Hmm, I probably got it from you since I'm your daughter." Lauren said and Mike grew angry.

"You better watch your smart mouth, you dumb bitch!" Mike yelled.

"Dad, don't speak about Mom like that." Lauren faked gasped making Clara slap her.

"You are nothing." Clara said.

"Yeah, why did you carry me for 9 months and I'm still living till this day, you guys are just the biggest fakes of this Earth. You could have killed me years ago." Lauren said ignoring the pain.

"Because we want to make you suffer, let you die alone." Mike said with a smirk.

"That's better than dying with you by my side." Lauren said making his smirk fade.

He picked up his belt and hit her with it. She just took the pain letting it stain her skin.

"Mom, Dad, what are you doing?" Chris, her brother asked.

"Nothing, go back to bed kiddo." Mike said.

"I can't, all I'm hearing are whipping sounds." Chris said.

"Don't say a word." Clara demanded making Lauren smirk.

"Hey buddy, it's fine go back to bed so our parents can keep hitting me with the belt." Lauren said looking dead in Clara eyes.

"What? Why are they doing that, Laur?" Chris asked walking in the room.

"Because I want them too." Lauren said kissing his cheek.

"But, but that's wrong. So wrong." Chris said.

"They want me gone, but I'm not leaving. It's fine, go back to sleep, I'll be fine." Lauren said and Chris nodded.

"Can I take Nala?" Chris asked and Lauren smiled.

"If you can stay asleep, than yes." Lauren said passing him the stuff toy.

"Okay, I'll be coming back in the morning to return her." Chris said hugging the stuff.

"No need, keep her." Lauren said kissing his head.

"Okay, goodnight." Chris said totally forgetting the whole situation.

"Goodnight, buddy." Lauren said and Chris left.

"You think this is over?" Clara asked.

"I don't want it to be over, come on give me your best shot." Lauren said and Mike hit her about 50 times.

When they stopped, Lauren was bruised and even had blood on her body from her skin ripping, but she is still standing.

"We'll be back, you better be gone for school." Clara said.

"I thought that would be hell, but this place is." Lauren said and they scoffed, but left.

Lauren laid down ignoring the pain and went to sleep. When she woken, she did her morning routine and ignored the blood washing off of her in the shower. She got changed and left the house quickly.

"Wait, Laur?" Chris called.

"Oh, hey buddy." Lauren greeted.

"Wait, I have a gift for you." Chris said and Lauren got on one knee to his height.

"Was is it?" Lauren asked.

"This necklace." Chris said.

It read, 'I will love you from infinity and beyond.'

"Oh man, this is awesome. Love you younger bro." Lauren said and Chris hugged her.

"See ya, have fun at school." Chris said still holding on to Nala and Lauren nodded.

"Yeah, see ya." Lauren said walking off.

When she reached school, she was silent and didn't want to be bothered until she ran into someone making her whince at the pain.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry." The small petite girl said.

"It's okay." Lauren said coughing a little bit making her spit out blood.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." Lauren said and she nodded.

"I'm Camila." She greeted.

"Lauren." Lauren greeted making Camila smile.

"Oh, your the jock everyone talk about." Camila said.

"Yeah, not the nicest though." Lauren said walking with Camila for some reason.

"Why?" Camila asked.

"I get jealous of how everyone have someone to talk too and I have no one. I'm being abused by my parents because they think I'm a mistake, my sister went missing, my brother is the only one who loves me." Lauren said letting her tears fall and Camila hugged her making Lauren pull her away.

"What's wrong?" Camila asked.

"Follow me." Lauren said pulling her to her favorite spot, the roof.

"Why are we here?" Camila asked.

"To show you this, no one can know." Lauren said taking off her jacket revealing her bruises and cuts.

Camila jaw dropped and was shocked because of two things, the bruises and the body

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Camila jaw dropped and was shocked because of two things, the bruises and the body.

"Holy shit." Camila muttered touching them and Lauren didn't budge.

"If you are wondering, my parents did this." Lauren said and Camila but her bottom lip.

"What's this?" Camila asked picking up the necklaces.

"One of them is from my sister and the other is my brother's." Lauren said

"Okay, you said you have no one." Camila said.

"That is true." Lauren said.

"Now, you have me." Camila said with a smile and Lauren eyes glistened.

"Really?" Lauren asked.

"Yeah." Camila confirmed.

"Oh thank you." Lauren said picking her up and swung her around.

"Okay, put me down and let's get off this roof before we get in trouble." Camila said and Lauren nodded.

"Okay, okay, but I'm not very good with this thing, so you'll have to guide me." Lauren said scratching the back of her neck.

"That's okay, let me introduce to my best friend, Normani." Camila said interlocking their hands and Lauren smiled feeling the fireworks.

"Okay." Lauren said following the younger brunette.

A/N: I like need to stop making these stories, I got other ones to finish, but fuck it...

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