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saxon barbarian living in the woods has been for years. legend says he's stark raving mad.dome people believe he comes out at night to steal children women and later makes a feast of them. he's been given the nickname hades. for his eyes burn with a fire that can only be seen in the underworld.

a poor moor girl escapes a life of torture when she leaves the castle and heads into the woods. but unfortunately, she's lured to Hades. this is the story of a ghoulish love between a cold heartless man and the young maiden who managed to obtain his good graces. 

Excerpt: (what was going on in m mind while I came up with this) she was sitting in a corner gorging herself on turkey and sweet bread before her impending travels. Suddenly she hears the trudging of heavy feet. Her heart is in her throat and she's paralyzed with fear. How could she have let herself become so blissfully unaware? 

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