Part 1

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Los Angeles 1980 something.

Tiffany pushed her way through the crowded noisy arena as she made it to the 3rd row.
She wiped her sweaty palms on her leopard printed skirt, as the music of Motley Crue grew louder.

Tiffany looked at the stage to see Vince Neil singing "Shout At The Devil," causing all the girls in the front row to scream. She could feel the throbbing of Nikki Sixx's guitar against her chest and the feeling of heat that was coming off from the fire that was going off behind drummer Tommy Lee. She stood there in awe, this was going to be the most radical night of her life.

Motley Crue began to sing "Girls, Girls, Girls," just as Tiffany felt someone bump into her spilling beer onto her leather ankle booties.

"Excuse you," Tiffany shouted in a rude tone. She looked up to see a tall, handsome young man standing before.

  "Shit, sorry didn't mean to spill my beer on you, by the way, bitchin skirt," The young man apologized, looking down at Tiffany's outfit. Tiffany couldn't form any words. She couldn't take her eyes off this guy who just spilled beer on her. His hair was in a shaggy black mess. His gorgeous honey eyes were lined with charcoal colored eyeliner. He had his left earpiece twice with a small hoop in the second hole and a dangling cross in the first. He was wearing a black "do it yourself work out tank" that had Motley Crue across the chest, it showed off his muscular arms and chest. Her blue eyes traveled down to see him wearing skin-tight leather pants with chains hanging out of the pockets, with motorcycle boots. She licked her lips as she tried to form a sentence.

  "Thanks... and you're totally fine, by the way, what's your name?" Tiffany shouted over the music as she fixed her black off the shoulder halter top. She looked up nervously locking eyes with his beautiful ones.

  "Dylan, what's yours?" Dylan leaned closer to her so he didn't have to shout over the music.

    "Tiffany," she leaned closer to Dylan.

  "Nice to meet you, are you enjoying the show?"

  "Yes, they are badass, is it your first time seeing them?"

  "It's my second time seeing them, I saw their first concert in West Hollywood back in '81," Dylan whispered into her ear.

   "Awesome, what's your favorite song by them?" Tiffany looked up into Dylan's handsome face, as he thought for a moment, then answered.

  "I would have to say 'Looks That Kill,' how about you?" Dylan looked down at Tiffany raising his eyebrows at her.

"Mine has to be 'Take Me To The Top,'" Tiffany shouted.

  "Good song," Dylan gave her a bright smile.

  Tiffany and Dylan continued watching the band play. The band just started playing "Dr. Feelgood." Tiffany looked up at Dylan noticing him looking at her from the corner of his eyes. He had a lustful look on his face. Tiffany licked her lips. She still couldn't believe she was talking to this sexy badass of a man. She looked at his plump lips imagining what they would feel like against hers. She took a deep breath and hoped what she did next would go smoothly. She brought her arms up to Dylan's shirt, wrapping her bright pink nails around it and began to pull him backward.

"Where are we going?" Dylan asked giving Tiffany a sexy grin. She let go of his shirt and intangled her hand with his.

  Tiffany led Dylan to the men's restroom. They could still hear Mötley Crüe singing from the background. Tiffany let go of Dylan's hand and turned around facing him.

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