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******Flash Back******
I watched as the wind blew through the trees next to me. The sweet smell of pine wood filled my scenes.


The only thing stoping me from going over there like the wierdo I am was the strong hand rapped around mine. I looked down at that hand seeing all the scars and freckles. I traced one scar that had a pinkish color, and I remembered how bloody that one was when he received it. I watched as a thumb slowly glided across my hand.

"Leah...lea.." a deep voice said

My head jerked being pulled out of my memory. When I looked up at Rick he was smiling warmly at me.

"You do know that people would pay just to look at me right?" He smirked

"Only thing they would pay you for is for you just to go away." I said simply as if it were a fact

He pouted at me

"Don't even try that mushy stuff on me" I said looking away

He put his hands in his hands "why are you so mean to me...I never did anything to you...your a bully!"

"I am not!"

"Are too." I could hear him smirking

"I am not going to agrue with you this time Rick" I looked at his pouted face "not this time buddy"

"Alright then you wanna play.." He laughed and reached out like he was going to grab me.


He tackled me quickly and tuckled me ruthlessly. It wasn't fair because he knew all my weaknesses, so I couldn't be saved.


"Not till you admit that your a bully" I watched as he smirk grew impossibly wider "ADMIT IT!"


Then the wicked bastered took it a step further and took of my sandles and tickled my feet.


"Not till you admit it"


"Okay what?"

"Im a bully!"

"What?" He smirked "don't thing I heard you"

I groaned "IM A BULLY!"

He leaned down to kiss the top of my head "yep your my little bully" He started to play in my hair

I loved the way he could make me smile so easily, as if he knew that I couldn't resist him either way. Which was true for the both of us.

Yep life with him was perfect to me in every way, there was never a dull moment. Never a day where I wished or yearned for something differnet.

But I never thought that someone who gave you so much happiness. Could cause you so much pain.

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