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The night air hung heavy around him as Lucas darted from tree to tree, ducking for cover within the shadows. He felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end as he heard the sound again: Footsteps. Behind him. Drawing uncomfortably near.

With all his might he sprinted into the park's sculpture garden, hoping whoever stalked behind him would follow. It would be easier to get them off his tail in there, surrounded by so many looming heaps of stone. He just had to lose them, then he was confident he could make it to home base.

Lucas slowly, silently crept around the backside of a statue, beginning to double back on his own path. He caught a glimpse of a figure, and ducked just in time to avoid being seen. He peered out from his hiding place, hoping to get a better look at the extra shadow he'd acquired.

What the hell? It wasn't someone from the opposing team at all. It was one of his own teammates...

Lucas continued doubling back, changing roles from the followed to the follower, creeping up behind the boy who'd been hot on his trail since the game of manhunt had begun. The boy looked like he had no idea where to go now that he'd lost sight of Lucas, peering timidly left and right, his path becoming zig-zagged and unsure. Lucas followed as closely as he dared, becoming increasingly amused by how lost his teammate had become. Finally, he made his presence known.

"I knew someone was following me," Lucas' voice was soft, but it made the boy in front of him jump a mile into the air.

Jungwoo turned around in a panic, drawing in a sharp breath of surprise. The look on his face was priceless, Lucas had to admit. Eyes wide, mouth agape. The look of surprise quickly melted into a sheepish grin, relief and embarrassment coming over his features.

"You scared the shit out of me," Jungwoo whispered back.

"Serves you right for making me think I was getting followed by the opposition. What the hell were you doing?"

"What do you mean?" Jungwoo's innocent tone made Lucas laugh a bit humorlessly.

"Why were you following me?"

Jungwoo let out a nervous laugh. "I wasn't, I swear,"

Lucas only cocked an eyebrow.

"Okay, maybe a little, but-"

"But?" Lucas took an intimidating step forward, making Jungwoo shrink back. "You're gonna get us both captured, you know. You're doubling our chances of being seen!" Lucas' sharp whisper cut through the still night air.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, really," Jungwoo laughed a bit nervously again, genuinely intimidated as the taller boy drew closer still. "I know it's a bad strategy, I'm mean it's not a strategy, I just-"

Lucas took hold of Jungwoo's shoulder's, taking a few paranoid glances around them as he did, before guiding Jungwoo around the backside of the statue, into deeper shadows. He was hardly listening to Jungwoo's bumbling excuse, still focused on not being captured.

"I've just never been to this park before, and you know how bad my memory is, and as soon as Mark blew the whistle I realized I couldn't remember how to get back to the base. And you looked so focused and sure of yourself I just-"

Lucas suddenly clapped a hand over Jungwoo's mouth, using his other hand to pull the shorter boy down into a crouch with him. Lucas raised his index finger to his lips, warning him not to make a sound. Jungwoo just nodded, pulling Lucas' large hand away from his mouth. They huddled against the cold stone, willing themselves to be invisible. Their eyes remained locked as they listened for even the slightest sound around them.

Manhunt (Lucas x Jungwoo oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now