Chapter 1 - To Hearts Against One

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The alarm shoots Klaus's head as he wearily opens his eyes and slams his hand on the machine. Still mostly asleep, he grabs his glasses and plants them on his face scratching his neck and yawing, the reason he was so tired was most likely because he had spent all night reading again. He flicked the covers off his legs as a book fell to his feet. "Moby Dick, good one," Klaus laughed and picked the book up placing it back on the table. He quickly leaned over and checked his phone, 2 missed calls from Adriana. "She won't leave me alone won't she," Said Klaus clearing the notifications and getting fully out of bed. His silk sheets were calling him back into the warm cluster, hesitant Klaus ran his hand through the covers once more before stumbling over to the bathroom. He had red marks on his cheeks and tangled hair pulled down over his eyes, his pyjamas were crumpled and his arms were freezing and bear. Klaus put down his phone next to the sink and grabbed his toothbrush, floss and mouthwash then put it on the bench. As usual he was in no mood for doing this but his breath was absolutely mental in the morning. Grabbing his toothbrush he slid some toothpaste and started to brush his teeth. After a minute or so his phone began to vibrate, He rolled his eyes and picked it up squinting at the bright screen. "Adriana," Klaus mutters. He spits out his toothpaste and washes his mouth out with water, he then answers and fills his mouth with mouth wash. "Hey Klaus I was just wondering why are you ignoring me lately?" Adriana pretty much squeals this, her voice echoes through th bathroom and Klaus spits out his mouth wash and picks up the phone once more. "I've had stuff to do, I can't always be around you ya know," He says.
"Oh of course you can! Meet me in the park this morning. I have a surprise for you klausy," Adriana blows a kiss through the phone and hangs up, Klaus slams his phone on his knee and topples onto the bed, no surprise there. She calls me at midnight twice just to say meet me at the park? She's crazy, "More like crazy in love," Says Violet throwing her bag on his bed and walking into his bathroom. "Why do you have clean mirrors? Actually how do you have clean mirrors?" Violet leans over and squeezes a pimple on her chin. "Let me guess, little miss Adriana?" Klaus sighs and opens his closet, "Who else calls me at 12.34pm?" Violet laughs and walks out of the bathroom. "Why are you not changed yet? Dads leaving in 10 minutes. He throws his uniform on the bed and grabs his hair gel from the side of his bed. "Yes I know and If your so concerned about me being late why are you here torturing me about it?" He grabbed his bag and his geography book, "First of all rude, second I'm your sister so this is pretty much my room." "You wish," Klaus smiles, "you say that because this room has better mirrors," Violet laughs and throws a pillow and Klaus face. "I'll meet you down stairs stupid," They both smile before violet glides out of the room and clamps down the stairs.
An icy cold hand presses against her face as she opens her eyes to the same dull wall she always sees, "Honey you seem stressed, to you have a fever?" Colleens words fill the room which makes the other girls rush out covering their mouths with the clothes they had put on. "No no Colleen I'm just," Isadora starts but stops to sneeze," Fine thank you." She gets out of bed and begins to take off her tattered old nighty. "Should I take you to the nurse? You honestly seem sick love," She protested, but isadora still slid on her dress and socks. "I'm completely fine, it's ok to chill out around a child," She said, grabbing her shoes from the cuboard. "Trust me im chill, but when I'm around a sick child," Colleen nods and looks over at isadora, "Things are different," Isadora finishes. They both smile at eachother. Colleen does up isadoras shoes laces before they both make there way out of the room into the hall. "So I've been thinking, and I know your on the hunt for your siblings." Isadora looks down at her feet trying to avoid eye contact and the reason to speak. "I want to help," She starts then stops to see isadoras reaction. "Help?" Isadora says her eyes gleaming with promise. "Well yes, you've been searching for so long I think I can help a bit, im not supposed to but tonight after dinner meet me in the computer lab." She smiles before hurrying off into the distance corridor, the walls practically closing in with her. Isadora brushes her hand through her hair and straightens out her skirt. "I'll find them," She says to herself, "I know I will." She continues walking, she also continues thinking. Thinking about what her siblings would be called, what they would look like? If they would know her parents or even if they had a pet. This was all to exciting, she stopped and let out a small squeal before rushing off into the sun lit walls.
"No it's not like that, I just need time," Adriana looked away shedding a tear and picking up her schoolbag, "You were always a player behind those glasses, don't even talk to me AGAIN," Klaus stood up trying to grab her hand put gets pushed away relentlessly. "Adriana wait!" Klaus starts to run but realises what's best, she's been on his tail for weeks now but he never thought she would actually let him go. "What is she doing to me," He silently says to himself. Before looking back he snatches his satchel and flings it around his shoulders, walking in the opposite direction to his dads car. "Yo so I heard there's supposed to be a new kid starting at out school," Says Violet as she reaches over me to shut my door, "Who?" I ask, violet wouldn't care for the world if an elephant started school at Prufrock Prep, so this must be good.
"Duncan, Duncan Quagmire,"

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