Rachel's Story

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Something inside says to go back...

8:15 pm

The middle of nowhere...

Into the eternal unknown, the world seemed to have vanished, to have died away, as nothing stirred within the hungry darkness. Except for an old sign that swung slowly above the filling station door, the chilling touch of death had left everything silent and still.

From beyond the distant unseen, dim lights crept across the age stained surface of the old tin, as it uttered in cold silence, Welcome.

Rachel's eyes filled with hope.

I hope someone is here...

Only stillness came to greet, only the cold chill reached out. Nothing else seemed alive as the small car crawled to a stop among the ancient fuel pumps. As Rachel stepped out into the calm misery, a slight breeze picked up, covering her face with strands of long black hair as if to protect her eyes from the horrid sight of loneliness and despair. Even the dust swirling around her ankles held on in fear.

"Hello?" She asked out into the dark.

"Is anyone here?" She asked once again, hoping for someone's answer.

Only the echo of her voice came back to answer, as the cold sting of dying wind greeted her ashen face with a numbing kiss.

Is Everything dead... is this all that's left?

Clutching the black machete, Rachel gazed around, hoping to see someone, anyone who still remained. There had to be someone there who knew what was happening, someone alive. There had to be a living soul somewhere.

Whoever was once there, whoever was once a part of that place had long faded into the forgotten lonely. All that once was, was now gone; forever sealed in a coffin of forgotten memories and buried deep where the nameless suffer. Now, nothing more than lost voices, crying from a hopeless void, howls of the faceless dead echoed on the winds of desolation. She closed her eyes.

This place resonates with a heavy burden of sorrow...I hope their souls have found rest.

Upon the haunted remains, that frowned before her, a hideous whisper of fear and loneliness turned her eyes, numbing her to the bone with an icy breath as it gasped out from the black within. As the dying shadows reeled in panic beyond the dirt stained windows, the decayed old building grimaced in the horror of voiceless agony.

Is this how it all ends...is this how end?

"Is anyone here?" She asked into the open space, as she pushed the door open with a slow, fearful caution.

Under her feed, shards of glass popped and crunched. The heavy weight of something unseen, seemed to push against her, as if to beg her to turn away, yet something else guided her into the darkness; not just to hide from the howling on the wind, or to seek help, but something else; something she could not understand. Even in times of disaster and fear, curiously can get the better of us.

"Is anyone here?' She called out again.

The lights popped and sparkled to life, buzzing as they cast their dim glow before the decay and cold nothing of dark serenity that festered. No life, no movement; nothing but the stagnant carcass of a dead establishment; left in a nameless grave to rot with the squirming lost.

"Hello?" She asked in a quiet desperation.

Over the mess of glass, her slender figure became broken as she stepped forward. In the distance, a security mirror, abandoned in the loneliness of a shadowy corner, frowned upon her passing reflection; its battered face, shedding tears of unseen of sorrow upon her.

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