One Rough Night

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SAM, 20, an introverted college student sits on a couch inside a crowded frat party. She tucks her dirty blonde hair behind her ear. She's wearing a large hoodie and carries a red cup filled with alcohol. She occasionally takes sips of her drink to soothe her anxiety of the large sea of people surrounding her.

Sam watches her crush, JACOB, 20, a charismatic individual, join the drunken dance floor in front of her. His tight clothes accentuate his muscular build.

Loud music plays in the home. Sam dreamily gazes at Jacob, who is unaware of her watching eyes.

Sam's best friend, KAITLYN, 20, an upbeat and positive character, walks up to her wearing a skimpy red dress, a buzzed smile on her face and a drink in hand. Every stride she takes threatens to trips her over her own heels. Her long brunette hair is curled.

Kaitlyn plops down on the couch next to Sam. Kaitlyn practically leans her entire body against Sam without realizing.

Hey! What're you up to? Having fun?

The stench of booze lingers on her lips, which Sam reacts to by physically cringing. She narrows her eyes and crinkles her nose. Sam glances over to Kaitlyn for a second.

You know I hate going to parties. Why did you drag me here again?

Sam looks over to Jacob. Kaitlyn searches for what Sam is staring at, then notices Jacob. Kaitlyn drinks her beverage and squints her eyes while scanning the terrain.

Jacob continues to dance among the group.

Kaitlyn rolls her eyes, aware of Sam's interest in Jacob. She turns back to Sam with a taunting grin.

Because I knew Jacob would be here. He loves going to these kind of things.

Sam rolls her eyes, but doesn't look back to Kaitlyn.

Just go and talk to him! It's not like it's going to kill you.

Sam shakes her head profusely in a panic.

I can't just go and talk to him! What if I end up making a fool out of myself?

You're being over dramatic.

No I'm not!

Kaitlyn finishes her drink and stands up. She approaches the group of drunk dancers and strikes up a conversation with Jacob. Both have friendly smiles as they chat. Kaitlyn points at Sam and they both walk over to her.

Sam stares at the duo with wide eyes and a panicked expression as they walk towards her.

Sam, meet Jacob.

Hey! Nice to meet you.

Jacob extends his hand, which Sam hesitantly takes in her own. She looks up at Jacob with purses lips and eyes full of fear.

Jacob looks down at her with a soft smile.

Sam forcibly gulps the knot in her throat.

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