A Pirate's Life For Me

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Chapter 1

"Tell me what's become of my ship," says Captain Barbossa, who is apparently alive again.

Number 27 on my list, "become a pirate." It would be so amazing. Living out on the open ocean, meeting random, insane people, crossing swords with enemies.

"Ah, that would be the life," I say out loud to no one. I lay down to day dream, but half way there I bang my head on my bed. "Ouch," I say as though questioning it. I go to sit up and I can't, my hair is stuck. In gum. Oops! I peel off the gum and cut it out of my long brown hair.

"Great" I say. Now I have one chunk of hair, bob length, at the back of my head.

I decided to write my list yesterday. It's harder than I thought. So far, I have travel all over the world, fall in love, and conquer a fear, just to name a few. Now my newest edition, become a pirate. When I stop writing my latest goal, I realize, almost all of my list could be completed if I become a pirate.

Dinner time at my house is quiet time. Sometimes you'll hear the odd "please pass the potatoes" or some other food. So when I make my announcement I'm expecting a big reaction.

"I need to tell all of you something."

Que jaws drop and crickets chirp.

"I am going to become a pirate."

First Troy starts, who gets Chuck going. Then pretty soon everyone, but me is laughing. I will not cry, I will not cry. So I start to laugh.

"Good one," says Chuck.

"Yeah, I just thought we needed to loosen up around here," I lie.

As everyone starts to concentrate on their meals again my smile fades and I choke back tears. I finish my food, excuse myself from the table and race upstairs to my room. I shut the door and tears stream down my face.


I decided I'm taking a trip. I have close to three thousand dollars, which should keep me going for a few months. If not I can pillage and plunder.

My parents are fine with my taking a trip, considering the plane ticket was my graduation gift last year.

As I pack my favorite pair of jeans, I realize i have no idea what I am doing. I am absolutely terrified. It sounded like such a good plan last week.

To get myself back in the adventure mode I turn on the third installment of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.

As Jack Sparrow and his crew are rocking the ship I feel the excitement building inside me again. I stand up and start to pack again. I put my digital camera in my bag, then take it out again. I want these memories for me.

"We're back!" I overhear Gibbs say. I smile.

I have been sitting on my bed thinking for the past thirty minutes and now The Black Pearl is on it's way to Shipwreck Cove. I have been thinking about telling my friends. They wouldn't even know I'm gone unless they spoke to my family or if I fulfill number 3. Be known all over the world. We only see each other at birthdays and holidays. Ever since we graduated we're not as close. I don't know if they feel it, but I do.

My face is wet. I'm crying, when did that happen? Oh well, and I embrace the salty tears. I pretend I just got splashed in the face by choppy waves that hit the starboard side of the ship.

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