Never Go through the Gate

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"Never go near the forest," they always say. "Never go in the forest". "Never walk in between the two burnt trees" and "never go through the gate".
Two kids stood at the edge of a dark misty forest. The trees creating horrific shadows across their faces. Distant howls and leaves getting crushed could be heard from the forest. *houl* The boy and the girl make their way into the forest. (The dark wooden trees stood up in all angles the branches sticking out in all directions. The two kids came to a clearing. Two crisp black burnt trees could be seen. Between the trees they walked.
The further in the forest they walked the darker it got. Soon it looked like the forest had an end. A long hedge was out lining the end of the forest. In the middle of the hedge was a thick brass gate. A brass lion head door knocker was on the gate. The boy pulled on the knocker. On the other side of the gate was a deserted alleyway. There was rickety old shacks and shops that had been covered in graffiti. The road had puddles of water scattered over it looking as though it had just rained. Over grown plants were growing over all the buildings. Shattered glass spread over the street and thick, dark mud was spread across the road.
A cold breeze stings the faces of the children, who were making their way towards an abandoned house. A look of terror spread across their faces, as they open the broken-down door. The floorboards creaked as the small feet slowly crept across the house. Piled boxes, nails sticking out of walls and floors. A strong stench of blood wafted past their noses it was clear that it was fresh. The children had a strange feeling someone was watching them.
"let's get out of here," said the boy. They hurry back across the cold, nailed filled floor. Screams of pain were coming through the girls' mouth. *scream* A sharp rusted nail had stuck out of the ground and tore through the girls' foot she fell forward and landed with her belly on the floor only to find another nail sticking through her stomach. Unable to move because of the pain. The girl was held up but the fearful boy. 
They made their way back into the alley way. A dark shadowy figure arose behind the kids. A loud roar was escaping through its mouth. The children ran towards the gate, the girl still unable to walk without gasps of pain. The went through the gate both struggling to close the gate without the monster getting through. Sighs of relief overcome the children as they managed to escape. They both went back in between the burnt trees and out of the forest. Both children lucky to still be breathing. 

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