Chapter 1

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I sighed as I looked in the mirror. I was Hispanic however, I was not beautiful, I had greasy hair, acne, I was a nerd, and I was flat as a board in places I was supposed to have curves, not to mention I was fat. I wasn't even average in everyone's eyes I was ugly and worthless. Oh did I forget to mention, I was a werewolf and today was the soon-to-be Alpha, Trent Rodriguez. I had a teensy weensy crush on him and today he was having a party to find his mate since today is his 16th birthday. They said that when he looks in his mates eyes he shall know.

Enough of that, I have to get ready to go to the party. I contemplated on what I should wear. I picked a dress that was very colorful and was up to my knees. I went to take a shower scrubbing my fat body that seemed to jiggle every time I moved. I got out of my small shower; they gave me a small room and a shower far away from the other rooms because they couldn't stand to see me. I wrapped a small ratty towel that barely covered anything around my obese body. I started putting my undergarments on and then I slid my dress on. I just combed my naturally greasy straight hair and it got frizzy but I didn't care.

I arrived at the party and I then I saw my ex best friend Claudia. She came up to me and said, "OH my god! IT LOOKS LIKE A UNICORN THREW UP ON YOU. You're so ugly and worthless." Tears of humiliation ran down my face. Everyone was laughing at me. I ran but I bumped into someone and shocks ran throughout my body, I finally looked up to see Trent staring at me with disgust. "DON'T TELL ANYONE WE'RE MATES, YOU HEAR ME?" He roared. Thank god the walls were soundproof.

I couldn't take it so I ran to my room and started packing, while tears pouring down my face. I left them a note saying, I hate you all, don't come looking for me. You guys didn't treat me like a pack was supposed to. YOU ALL ARE STUPID BITCHES!

-With much hate, Tina Gomez

---------TWO YEARS LATER----------

I looked at myself in the mirror, and I can say A LOT has changed since two years. I have straight hair that is up to my belly button, I have a hourglass body, and I have blue eye contacts on so that I can see much better.

Wow this shampoo smells scrumptious, I thought to my self.

I looked at myself in the mirror and smirked. The mirror was foggy, so I wrote "Let's play a game." I dried my self up and went to pick out my clothes, I was wearing vintage white high-waisted shorts, a black v-neck, a black leather jacket, and my white gladiator sandals.

I played with my hair until it got dry and suddenly went into my gym, yes I lived a lone but sometimes some of my friends visit and I was rich. I had a job as a model, what do you expect? I started doing ninja moves cause you know i'm just to expert to not do it. And then I got tired so I painted a unicorn. The unicorn drawing came to life.

Oh I forgot to mention, i'm half wolf and half witch, so basically I can do anything like my life long dream to become a ninja. I am really excited to have my new pack protect my old pack. I mean yeah other girls might be mad but i'm opposite to what they feel.



I skipped happily down the stairs, and did back-hand springs all the way to the kitchen. Chris glared at me. I couldn't help but burst out laughing at my prank. Thanks to my prank, Chris had pink hair.

"I hate you so much, Tina."

"Feelings mutual." I said laughing.

Alpha Derek came downstairs dressed casually. He was the same age as us, 18. When he saw Chris he burst out laughing. Derek had tears streaming down his tanned face. Suddenly I joined him. I couldn't take Chris serious with his pink hair.

"Were leaving tomorrow to the Moonlight pack, otherwise known as Tina's old pack." Alpha Derek said.

Yeah they didn't know what happened to me, they think I left cause they didn't give me freedom. They think I love them, so I have to put up an act tomorrow when I see them. Ugh, i'm fine with seeing everybody else but I can't stand seeing my mate.


So what did you think about my first story? Tina on the side------>

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