Crazy Eight

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               Have you ever had the feeling that this giant monster of 1,000 eyes and ten thousand more mouths are watching you, looking at you, knowing what you've done seeing what you can do. Well certainly I have. Being an orphan you notice a lot about the people who leave and the people who come. You notice the quirks about them why there not chosen and you see their imperfections slowly but surely, take over them and corrupt them.

         As I walk down the hall with the peeling yellow paint picking off day after day you see the crazy eight. Almost like disorders in the brain.

           "Why... why won't you just fucking die, huh just fucking die!"said one of the kids. Anderson, one of the crazy eight, met  10 parents and none wanted them.

            " Next time Anderson, you'll be fine, don't die a virgin okay?" I say in a calm voice trying to get him to move the knife from his wrist.

           "Conner, I didn't know that.. but don't you... why will... Do you really think i'll find parents?" He looks up and I see bloodshot eyes and dry tears on the side of his face.

              "Of course." I say trying to sound hopeful. Anderson waves and I close his door to leave him alone for a while. I know he won't cut himself, he's done it so many times that skin seems to block him from death itself.

               "Hey Beth!" I say in a more peppy tone. She's a crazy eight too but not so crazy.

               "WHAT THE FUCK CONNER!! You scared the shits out of me. Bruh do you think I have asthma because I can't breathe. Also I may be allergic to plastic, but just maybe." Beth says. She's so anxious all the time and competes with herself and always seems to loose. I left without saying goodbye just not to make things worse.

                  "Devin, you look nice." I say to him. He's seen so many parents and none of them liked him. He hated himself do much he felt as if he had the need to change is appearance, so he did.

                "CONNER! I haven't puked in 3 days and I am eating over 600 calories, for every meal! I feel great you know," Devin said while looking at himself in the mirror. "should I work out because the other boys at school work out." 

                 "I mean if you want to." I say as I shrug. Ah the quadruplets! Now they've done some crazy stuff man. Not a single parent wants to see them. Besides who would want 4 hormonal, petty, 13 year old girls. Literally no one. Then theirs me. I've never been in a single home but seen by 4 parents. They seemed nice but they didn't like me. I'm not anorexic, or suicidal, or anxiety filled, or petty to the brim. Lucky me the doctors told me I'm a schizophrenia. I hear the voices.

        "Oy Conner, close the door please! Martha hates outside air" Hollers Nancy.

         "Nancy! Stacy hates the outside air! Martha Just Hates everything" Complains Jessie.

        "Jessie I don't know who your talking for so shut your fucking mouth" Announced Stacy.

        "Stacy your such a slut and we all know it!" Says Martha.  

         " Martha don't act like your perfect! You dyed my white crop top black!!" Says Nancy

         " You can't talk either Nancy your not even a virgin!! Besides you kissed Spencer!" Says Jessie

         " What the Fuck Nancy you know I am DATING SPENCER RIGHT!!!" Screams Stacy

           "Your all pathetic just saying" says Martha. I decides to close the door for my own personal physical health. Last time I fought them Martha bit my arm and Ms.Estelle almost had to send her away like, away away. These are the Oddballs who raised me since Birth

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2019 ⏰

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