Into a blackhole

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The fate of a deceasing star; as it warps on it's own weight and collapses. Gravity, so immensely strong, even light cannot escape. This is the birth of a black hole.
Black holes. So intriguely fascinating yet so infinitely dense. Capable enough to break your brain down into its constituent atoms. If you're somehow fortunate enough to peek inside a black hole, you'd pretty much be able to see everything that has been descended into it; even objects from the past. Move a little closer to the Event Horizon and you're slowly obliterated by the stopping of time. Move slightly more closer and you're reduced to nothing but ashes. Enter the blackhole and then there's nothing but you falling; deep into the darkness. Can't turn around, there's no return; only time pulling you forward against your will.

The dark hole of depression, not entirely but is almost similar to black holes.
Some choose to hover above the Event Horizon, others experience the constant free-fall. Some can see inside the darkness, some live in it; letting no light pass through. Feeling their bodies crumbling but fail to have any physical or emotional control; unable to defy the forces. Time, running ever so slow while you descend. Struggle to elude, there's no escaping "gravity". Realizing, the massive forces of the hole only grow stronger than ever, never weaker.

According to Professor Hawking, there is a possibility of falling into a black hole and coming out in another universe. Find that universe and own it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2019 ⏰

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