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Chanyeol squinted in the brightness of the street lights illuminating the shiny rain-soaked road, happy the rain had finally passed so he didn't have to hear those annoying windshield wipers slide against his windshield anymore.

He reached over to turn off the radio that had accompanied him on his previous two-hour road trip from his parents' house, an event he'd rather forget at the moment, and sighed in relief as the familiarity of the roads calmed him—glad he could go back home alone after spending a week away with family.

"You should have a girlfriend by now or at least someone in your life you're interested in by now, everyone else your age does or is already married." His mom had said on his way out the door while his father rolled his eyes behind her. "Or at least get yourself a dog or something to keep you company. You need to learn to love something other than yourself, you know."

"God, I'm glad to be home." He muttered to himself as he routinely passed by an alley that was a few blocks from his house, an unsettling scream for help getting his attention. Something that made his heart jump in his chest.

Careful to be mindful of the road and traffic coming to a light, Chanyeol slid to a stop behind a line of cars and glanced towards the alley, squinting to make out a group of silhouetted people. He could see someone being held up against a wall, struggling while a group of others seemed to be filming and holding him there against his will.

Must be some robbery or something. Poor guy, having so many against one.

Chanyeol frowned at the scene, feeling his heart now sink into his stomach, but pushed on the gas pedal as the light turned green, trying to shove the image out of his mind. Now that his radio was off, if he listened close enough, he could still hear the screams that seemed to come consistently from only one person but Chanyeol shook his head. He didn't want to interfere.

However, practically in a trance, he rounded the corner sharply and turned into the parking lot of a small plaza where he slammed on the brakes—his train of thought coming back to him slowly.

"What are you doing?" He asked himself, feeling as if he wasn't in charge of what he had just done. "You can't just go and try to save someone you don't even know!" He continued arguing with himself. "But maybe he really needs help and it isn't just some robbery. Maybe I can just scare them away."

"Ah, fuck it." He mumbled, quickly pressing the gas and turning his car back towards the alley. He sped down the road and slid to a halt at the entrance, his lights blinding the group of guys as he left his car running, stepping out to interrupt much more than he thought had been going on.

"What the fuck?" He said, observing a struggling young boy—the one he had seen pinned against the wall minutes ago now on his knees, his mouth forced open by the strange man in front of him who held his jaw tightly. Tears ran down the boy's face despite his tightly shut eyes as the older man's other hand held the zipper to his jeans, moments away from a horrific event. Chanyeol could feel himself shiver as the blood in his veins froze.

Another man of the group held a phone in his hand, pausing his homemade video as he turned to Chanyeol, shielding his eyes from the car beams. The two others whom had previously been cheering them on now copied his gesture, squinting in the light.

"What's going on here?" Chanyeol demanded, feeling the tension of the disturbed situation, already knowing the answer that made his stomach churn, noticing something strangely floppy and fuzzy on the young boy's head before his attention was brought elsewhere.

"None of your god damn business, now scram motherfucker!" the one holding his jeans zipper said, stepping away from the trembling boy who crumpled to the ground afterwards, zipping up his pants.

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