Birthday Dreams

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Happy Birthday Luna!

I am so proud of the young lady you are becoming! You have grown up so much in the past year and I am confident you have the strength to take anything head on. I know you have a kind and caring heart, so please remember to follow it.

Love, your favorite aunt, Esme

Smiling at my aunt’s words, I put the birthday card on my desk and got ready for school. The card gave me an extra spark of confidence on my way to school and I felt like I could do anything, that was until I got to chemistry. Apparently science class is where the line gets drawn for my abilities. I don’t think I was the only person struggling because there was a girl sitting in the back of the class with her head on the table. She looked really upset, definitely had to be more than just the confusing nature of reactions.

The bell finally rang dismissing the school from the last period and I ran out of the classroom so fast. It was finally time for my first birthday nap of the day and I was not intending on delaying it even further. I walked home as quick as I could and went straight to my favorite place in the house, my bed. Quickly I drifted into a deep sleep...

I opened my eyes and saw stars and a full moon shining above me. I really hope I didn’t fall asleep outside again. I got out of what I thought was my bed and saw it looked different, it was bigger and looked like it came right out of a fairytale. The bed frame seemed to be made of flexible sticks and the rest looked like actual clouds. I was in a forest, there were so many flowers and trees surrounding me.

“Evanna, you’ve finally arrived.” The voice was soft and almost felt more like a memory than an actual sound. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think there’s an Evanna here.” The voice laughed, it gave off a warmth. “My sweet Evanna, I can assure you that you are here. However, you may be more familiarized with your conscious name, Luna.” This is the weirdest dream I’ve had in a long time. I need to stop eating so many Doritos before sleeping.

“Say that I am this ‘Evanna,’ why am I here? Why are you here? Who even are you?” If i was stuck in this dream I wanted to know what was going on. “You are here because I summoned you. I am Armena, Guardian of Dreams and I am here to enlighten you of the powers you hold, but you will have to awaken them in your own time. For now wake again and tonight will be your first mission.”

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