Moving in

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Xyla: "holy fucking hell, dad come help me these boxes r heavy as FUCK! ".
I look over just to see him not there, so i say "dad??..." .
Dad: "Oh I'm in ur room!!"
Xyla: "R u just gonna look around realizing that im growing up at not help me with these boxes???"
Dad: "Its just diffrent". he says dazing off into a memory. And right before he could, i start snapping and say," save it for later these boxes arnt gonna move themselves! ". Then he comes to help me unpack and move stuff.

   *6 hours later*

Xyla: holy shit time is so fucking fast!
Dad: just like the years...
Xyla: dad.. dont worry im ok. i say as im putting the last few touches on my desk.
Dad: its easy for u to say...
Xyla: dad its 6pm i think its time for u to go. i say trying best to not cry.
So he kisses me on my forhead and says bye... With one small tear running down his face.
He shut door and the wall are pretty thin so i heard his foot steps going down to the first floor.

-----Hey guys no this is not the end i was just telling u that there in college and yah---->>

xylas POV

as im sitting there i here a key opening the door do as it opened i stood there to see this cute brown haired boy, with a small lil grin, i only then realize "oh shit aren't u like off youtube Sam & Colby?"
* convo*
Colby: yeah... he says blushing.
i then realize that im only wear a oversized long sleeve shirt that was black.
note(i was wearing red booty shorts under the shirt and i had a messy bun with geeky glasses , also long knee
socks with white stripes on my knee part btw's)

When i come to realization, again  i say " umm... sorry come in. "
He walks in to that ive already moved in so he just unpacks his stuff and then i was kinda ina flirty mood
So I say "need help?"
Colby: " nah, im good just irdc "
i dont listen,with my stubborn ass.
Xyla: " nooo, i think imma help" me saying this while i giggle a bit.
Then we get done and i ask him,
Xyla: "So why'd u um.. nvm.." . I say sounding like a dumb bitch.
Colby"why'd i what? ". He say while cutting his phone off and looking at me up and down.
I noticed and say "take a pic it last longer". so then he bits his lip and laugh.
Xyla: "I was gonna ask why did u all of a sudden decide to go to college?" .
He looks at me and says "i just thought I'd take my life more serious".
The was he looked at me and said that sent shivers down my spine.
Xyla:" Well thats good i mean id say the same thing but-"
I tell him "sorry its my dad worrying about me Again" . i say with a slight hehe.

For the rest of the night we ended talking and laughing and learning more about each other.

the next morning

Xyla POV

i wake up to see a shirtless Colby on his laptop. And without realizing i was biting my lip. I then see his chair turn and he look me dead in my soul.
I then realize i WAS BITING MAH FUOOKIN LIP, so i hurry and stop and he said "i new i had eyes on me"
I just sat there in shock either bc i was biting my lip and he saw me, or bc he looked me dead in my soul that made me kinda horny\flirty. I then say "umm sorry i-".He cuts me and says "dont apologize u looked hot biting ur lips"
I SWEAR I MAY HAVE HAD A BABY WHEN HE SAID THAT! then i say "what.the.fuck.?" as we both laughed i stood up and i bent over\squat bc um u know ima lil thicc so if i bend over my ass will most likely show. :)

Colbys POV

As i edit my video i felt eyes on me so i turned around to see xyla biting her lip i had 1million thoughts
(is she watching me? is she horny? etc.) the i say hello. i saw her blush so i new she was embarrassed. she then tried to apologize and i told her dont she looks sexy biting her lips witch she did the... Buut...

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2019 ⏰

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