Prolouge1 - New Game??

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A little note before you start , there will be some pictures from the game , since this follows a bit of the storyline from the game. So although it sucks to see those adds, if you want to see the pictures , read with your wi-fi on. At the end, it's your choice though.

You had played Mystic Messenger countless times. Choosing to play different routes and liking different guys each time. You felt sad that you could only save one of them in each route, leaving
the others in sadness or with something incomplete. But you never stopped playing, the game was mysterious as the name suggested and you couldn't stop yourself fr getting immersed in it.

Today you had started yet another game.
As usual at 12 you started playing the game.

Finally, thank god, someone is here.

Instead of the usual tap to answer, you had an input box, where you had the option to type, what was this!!


Oh hi! Finally there is someone here!!

Why do I have a keyboard ???

Of course you will have a keyboard, silly, this is a messenger app.

What was even going on , he responded to the message you typed as well!!

Anyways I really need your help, I need you to go to this apartment to find the owner of this phone.

Why should I help you??

I really want to find the owner of the phone I found please could you help?

No you're creepy.

Pretty Please? Here I'll show you my photo so you can believe me.

Unknown Pretty Please? Here I'll show you my photo so you can believe me

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Fine I'll believe you for now.
But if anything weird happens I'm out.

Okay, thank you so much!

You thought that maybe if you stuck with the storyline everything would go as it usually would but, it did not.

Great! Then I will send you a bodyguard escort you safely to the location, please be near (cafe) in 10 minutes.

Why can't u come??
Wait did you just say bodyguard are you rich!!

You couldn't help yourself while sending the last message, was this guy really the Saeran in your game. There was only one way to find out.

10 minutes later

You met the bodyguard , he was rather frail to be one though. He told you that his name was Ray. He put a blindfold on your eyes after leading you to the car. It was supposedly for safety reasons .

Once you reached the destination, your escort removes your blindfold,  he handed you a paper with a few numbers on it.

"This is the passcode to the apartment. " Ray said , "once you get there, you can type it in and find the owner."
"But how do you know the passcode to the house and its address??" You asked.
"Oh that's because the guy I work for gave it to me."
"How can I trust you?"
"Believe me, the phone had a return to address and a passcode to go with it.

You bid Ray goodbye and walked into the apartment and typed out the passcode.

The door opened and you made your way inside the apartment and sat down on the sofa.  The apartment looked old, and a bit creepy .
You looked at your phone to see one mor message from the unknown number.

If anyone asks, tell them that Rika has sent you there.

The day had only just begun,  yet it was so weird.  What was going on??


Hello!! Nice to have ya'll here  , thanks for reading,  I promise after prologue part 2 chapters are going to be much bigger.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2019 ⏰

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