Endless Dead Trailer

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Authors note: I just needed the descriptive writing practise. And I was bored. And started playing the Stick War Legacy game. Fell in love with the trailer for the Endless Dead Mode. Enjoy!!


The sky was stormy dark. Lightning flashed, and thunder boomed. Rain poured from the sky like a dark grey curtain.

My companions and I have been traveling for the whole day, walking through the heavy rain. Finally, the Wizard called a short stop, to check his map, and for our Miners to take a break hauling our giant Order Statue and luggage across the forest grounds.

The Swordwrath of our fellowship was scouting the perimeter of our temporary camp, I followed suit, after checking my quiver of arrows and repositioning my bow on my shoulder.

I raised my hand to shield my white, slightly glowing eyes from the falling rain, and looked out into the forest with my trained sharp eyesight.The forest still spread out for miles, and we have lots of ground left to cover. Mutely sighing, I let my hand drop back to my side.

I may be trained fit as a fiddle, but no Archion in my known history has ever liked to travel long distances.

I looked back at my traveling companions. The Wizard was poring over the map of Inamorta, trying to judge where we are, and where we need to go next.

The Spearton held up his shield behind him, shielding any raindrops from hitting the old worn map. I believe he too, was trying to figure out the map, and lend a hand to our wise guide.

A few moments later, I felt another presence at my side. Our Swordwrath had returned from his scout.

He gave me a shake of his black, round head. Nothing and no-one in sight except the trees and rain.

Suddenly, a gigantic icy and WET wind blew harshly past us, making all shudder and shrink back our bodies. I clutched my bow tight, a habit every Archion has. Our bows are more sacred than even us.

After the strong wind had passed, leaving some of us shaked to the core, the Wizard yelled out an official stop. The sky was obviously darkening, the wind picking up. The falling rain was also no help to see where we were going as well.

The miners however, could not rest just yet. They set down most of all our luggage, and began setting down the grand Order Statue from it's giant wheeled stand. Some of them started to mine the earth, trying to find some minerals or metals we could use in our journey. A few sizeable chunks of golden ore were soon found.

When some of the Miners dug the new source of ore, the rest started on getting tents put up, quite a struggle with all the wind and rain. I stood by, watching them do their jobs, hands on my bow and standing as guard.

Over by the set down Order Statue, I saw the Wizard using his magic to start a fire out of the corner of my white eyes. Surprisingly, smoke was actually coming up from the pile of damp wood our Spearton had hacked off from nearby trees.

Deep in concentration, he continued coaxing out a flame from the wood, to help all of us warm up and maybe make something hot to eat. And because of that, it was probably why he never noticed the dark silhouette standing behind him.

Until it was too late.

A horrible, hideous creature jumped out into our clearing. It looked like a stick much like us, but half of its side was gone, a gaping hole where I could see it's bones and half rotted organs inside.

It's face was also disfigured, bulging eyes and a wide, gaping mouth where creepy sounding moans and groans came out. A part of its head tissue was gone, and like its side, leaving a hole where we could see the white of its skull.

The creature had jumped up on our unexpecting Wizard, who looked back at it in surprise and fear. Said surprise and fear sent him falling down on his behind, scrambling desperately away from the zombie stick.

It's mouth hanged wide, looking ready to take a huge bite of our guide.

I reacted just in the nick of time. My well trained instincts had a sharp, lethal arrow positioned and nocked at my bow in a second, and I fired it straight into the gruesome hole in its head, breaching it's skull.

A perfect headshot, it died (again) almost instantly.

I silently panted. That frightened me more than you could imagine.

We immediately went on alert mode. Spearton's spear was held at ready, his shield hoisted tight on his forearm.

I quickly nocked another arrow on my bow, and scanned our surroundings. I couldn't see any more of the creatures, but it probably didn't mean they was only one.

The Swordwrath was helping our Wizard back up on his feet, turning his head from left to right, combing the shadows for the creatures.

But as I looked in the wrong direction,upwards, I missed the rotting hands erupting from the ground. Their nails were caked with the dirt and small stones from the earth. Two of them managed to grab onto some members of our fellowship.

One of the greying hands grabbed the Swordwrath's calf, who gave out a startled shout and swung his sword madly at the arm, who was now seen attached to another one of those zombie stick men, hissing and growling as it emerged. 

So they can travel underground as well. Interesting.

The other one took hold of the Wizard again, this time gripping on his arm, and was grabbed again by the other rotting hand of that zombie. With a firm hold of the appendage, it bit down. Hard. The sound of flesh and bone crunched painfully in my small ears, as well as the shout of agony.

I held a brief glance with Spearton, and understandment flowed through the eye contact. Together, with a brave and loud battle cry, we charged the new enemy, weapons gleaming and at ready. 

More zombies crawled up from the damp earth, and my bow was strung and twanged and re-strung, the arrows whistled through the rain. The sound of flesh hitting wood and metal and ending with a stab through their undead heart accompanied the symphony of death.

By the time the last creature had emerged, ended quickly with one of my arrows, the forest floor was covered with blood and gore and dead zombies.

But it was not only the zombies who were dead.

The thunder roared, and the rain continued to pour down, as though feeling our new sadness and grief, washing away all the blood from our battle. Swordwrath and I stood in silence, facing the forest and its shadows, forming a protective circle around Spearton, as he shouted out in agony on his knees, cape blowing behind him. For the lost of our Wizard.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Author's Note : So, how did I do? I know I did badly, its basically the reason why i am trying to practise, and so I did on something I liked.

Please tell me your thoughts in the comments, and maybe give me tips for descriptive writing? Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, I love you all!! 😘😘😙😚

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