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As me and my man sit on the chair in my living room with the lights turned down wishpering to each other, me im getting sleeper and sleeper but i fight to stay awake because i don't want him to leave.

he wishper "lets go outside"

"why?" i ask,

"i need a smoke and i would like for you to join me outside" he says, but i dont want to move i want to stay right here in his arms with my head on his chest listing to it rumble as he talk to me.

we finally get up and head out i'm reluctent and don't want to but i go anyway just to spend more time with him befor he leaves. i love what time i get to spend with him and i don't want to waste a second of it because i know before long he will head down he road and i will be left alone for the night.

he is much to thoughtful of what i do and how i feel. the only reason that he leaves me is so that i can get to sleep and go to work in the morning but i just wish for him to stay so that i can spend more time with him i wish i didnt have to work that way i could have the night with him.

he tells me that he loves me and i want to say it back to him but i dont because im scared and i don't know how to hadle it because he is so far a great guy but i dont know what the feeling inside me mean.

i mean i love spending time with him dont get me wrong but i also do want to be tied down at the moment but i love the way he makes me feel. i just dont want to get hurt again because i've been there done that and deffinaly dont want to do it again.

love: the ups and downs of two sisters love livesWhere stories live. Discover now