Chapter 1

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        "Big brother, I don't want to meet the others. They'll just judge me," I complain to my big brother, Spain.

         Spain tries to assure me. "Nonsense, you'll be just fine! It'll all be a lot of fun, Mexico!"

         I shake my head. Meeting the more powerful countries will be fun, but nerve-wrecking at the same time. Spain stops in front of a door and turns the knob. "Alright, ready?" he asks as he swings the door open.

        It's a brightly lit room with dark red carpet and one long table with chairs surrounding it. Other countries are mulling about talking in loud, confident voices. I try to identify some of them based on how Spain has described them to me in the past. There is no mistaking France's bright blue overcoat and red trousers as he talks with Britain, who is wearing a green military-like uniform. Russia is talking to China, while he adjusts his white scarf around his neck. Liechenstein and Switzerland are talking with Hungary and Poland. I look for a country that looks like they'll be easy to talk with. I notice a really beautiful, orange-haired girl talking with Germany, Italy, and America. Maybe I can join their conversation.

        I begin to walk towards them when I feel someone hitting me in the back of the head. "Smick, smick, smick" France is saying as he hits the back of my head. Britain is laughing and this makes me nervous. I feel everyone's gaze looking at me and some begin to snicker. FRANCE IS REALLY TICKING ME OFF. I reach back grab his arm mid-smack and yank forward. He ends up on the ground in front of me and a slight groan escapes him. The room grows silent and I feel myself begin to blush. I look back at Britain and notice he looks shocked and completely dumb-founded, mirroring everyone's expression. I don't know whether I did something bad or good. Probably both. France gets up and the talking resumes.

         "Why are you so strong?! You look tiny!" France asks. I can't help but grin. "I'm the twelfth biggest country in the world. Strength comes with it."

       "Daaaaammmmnnn, I like her," I hear behind me. I lose my nervousness and look at who made the comment. Its the pretty orange-haired girl. I wonder if she knows my name.

         "My name is Mexico."

       She grins,"Hi Mexico, I'm Ireland, but you can call me Alaina!" Well, Ireland is easier.

        "I think I'll stick with Ireland."

        Ireland narrows her green eyes. "You wouldn't happen to be Spain's little sister, would you?" I am shocked. I guess I shouldn't be. Spain makes lots of friends.

          "Yes, I am," I reply.

        The host of the meeting calls us to the table. The table is covered in papers. I pick a seat and look over the papers in front of me. Ireland plops next to me and talks to me in a hushed voice. "You know you shouldn't be ashamed of what happened back there. France can be an annoying prick sometimes and everyone has wanted to do that at sometime or another." I feel better about that.

        Ireland all of a sudden smiles. "Hey, I'm having a party tonight if you want to come. Most of the other European countries are going and I think it would help for you to bond with some people." I like that idea.

         "Of course! Of course I want to go! Gracias por invitarme!" I reply and realize that she might not know spanish. "Fadhb ar bith!" she replies earnestly. I assume that means "you're welcome" in her language.

        (7 hours later) 

        "Alright. I'm ready." I murmur to myself. I have just finished making a batch of fresh enchiladas at my house. I dust off the flour that's on my hands and put the enchiladas in a plastic container. I should probably change into something nicer for the party. The sun is starting to set as I change into my favorite dress. It keeps out of the way when I dance. I wear a white dress with green and red stitches on the edge of the elbow-length sleeves. The dress comes to about my knee and I wear yellow flats. I grab the plastic container and travel to Europe.

        (Some time later)

        I've just reached Ireland's country and wow it's GORGEOUS. The rolling bright green hills with sheep grazing on them. It differs a lot from my dry country, I notice. I can't help but feel like a stranger in this area. It all seems like so much to take in. Now, to the most important question. How do I get to Ireland's house? That's when I notice Britain walking down the sidewalk. Surely, he's going to the party. I walk towards him. "Excuse me, Britain. I was wondering how to get to Ireland's house."

        He stares at me blankly. "Do I know you?"

        "Yeah you do. I was at the meeting." I reply.

        He looks still confused. I shuffle my feet. "I was speaking with Ireland during the meeting..."

        Still clueless. I sigh. "I was the one who yanked France to the ground."

        He all of a sudden realizes. "Oh, YES, I remember you! Yes Ireland's house is right down this path. Follow me." He gestures to the sidewalk we are on and starts walking. I follow and soon come upon a house that makes my jaw drop. Yeah, this is definately Ireland's house.

Hetalia: Mexico's Side of the StoryWhere stories live. Discover now