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     A male was jumped awake with a battle howl from outside, the male threw off the bed covers and started to pull on jeans swiftly as well tugged on a shirt. He stopped for a few moments to slide onto his shoes, then he ran down the stairs then threw open the door to his house, making a large 'crack' sound as the door broke at how hard the male opened the door. He paused for a few seconds as he noticed another group of wolves facing his pack, he walked over to his parents who were the alphas for the pack. The male shifted into his wolf form as he walked and stood beside his father and little brother, he was confused on was happening until he noticed someone familiar on the other side; facing his pack with their jaws opening. "Jessica?" the male questioned all of a sudden with a growl, making some wolves lower their ears to the back of their head as they heard the name break into the tense air. The female wolf turned her head towards the male who said her name and smiled twistedly "Hello baby boy" she says then broke into a laugh that was laced with anger and threat. 

     The male growled and lowered his head threatening, "What are you doing here? You're banished from the Evening Hounds Pack, or did you forget that?" he questioned with a threat in his tone as he stared at the female wolf. "Oh I didn't forget Damien, I'm just here to get revenge on you and your pack" the female wolf commented shortly, no emotion in her voice as she spoke to her ex-boyfriend with a death in her eyes. The male snarled at his ex-girlfriend's words, taking a step forward then he looked over his little brother next to him who was gazing at his older brother with wide eyes and was shaking. His little brother was only 7 years old, just a pup compared to the other wolves who stood in a line next to them and in front of their pack. "You know you could've avoided this Damien, you really could've. But you messed up breaking up with me as well telling me that you're gay and you found your true mate" the female wolf snarled making Damien look towards her and let out a snarl himself "Shut up!" he says loudly as he snarled more.

     Jessica narrowed her eyes at the male, not liking being told to shut up by her ex mate "Wrong answer Damien, now your pack is going to die now" she says letting out a howl making the lone wolves to run forward; Damien raised his head with his father and let out a howl together making their wolves go forward as well and attack the lone wolves. Damien attack a lone wolf until Jessica landed onto his back and bite into Damien's neck, trying to kill him until Damien launched onto his hand legs to fall onto Jessica then swiftly turned around to meet her chest as she stood onto her hind legs. Damien stood onto his hind legs as well, over towering the female wolf and opened his jaws wider and bit into the side of Jessica's neck to injure her which he did. Jessica whined as she started to bleed largely from her neck, shaking out her head making globs of blood to fly onto the ground as she did. Damien's ears perked up as he heard his little brother whine loudly and barked loudly throughout the fighting of wolves, he turned to look where the sounds were coming from. He snarled loudly as he saw three lone wolves backing his brother to a corner of the filed, he raced over and leaped onto a wolf who had their back turned and dug his jaws around the other wolf's throat; biting down harshly hearing a crack in the throat before throwing the wolf away letting it gasp for air two feet away from him.

     Damien then snapped his jaws around a wolf's leg once they bit into his shoulder, he yanked onto the leg harshly making the wolf let go of him as they tried to snap at Damien's muzzle to get their now broken leg free. Damien snarled back crunching on the leg more before letting the lone wolf go to run away from the fight, he looked at the other lone wolf who had his younger brother's leg in his jaws; the bother hanging from the wolf while yelping. Damien snarled and tackled the wolf and instantly started to go for the wolf's throat to make him drop his bother down which the lone wolf did as Damien crunched his jaws around the wolf's throat dropping him down at his paw, watching the wolf gasp for air like the other one. Damien panted then he looked at his brother "Are you okay Ashton?" he questioned the younger alpha pup which he got a nod in response, Damien nodded back "Alright go hide in your spot now before more lone wolves find you" he says after starting to walk away. "But-" Ashton began to say quietly before Damien cut him off "Go Ashton, I can't lose you like I did with our sister!" he snarled in warning making his little brother shake in fear and raced to his hiding spot like his brother told him to do. He looked around seeing no more lone wolves alive, as well some of his pack; only 4 wolves surviving the attack his mother or father not being part of the four. 

     Damien lowered his ears in sadness then his ears twitched up as he heard movement and looked over in the direction of the movement which so happened to be Jessica trying to drag herself out of view. Damien let out a snarl and trotted over to the injured female, he placed his large black paw on her back to stop her "Why won't you die? You killed my pack and you let your so called pack to die as well, you failed Jessica on killing me. Now die already." he says with no emotion in his voice as he starred down at the female wolf, she let out a growl about to answer but only blood squirted out as she opened her jaws. Damien stood on her more making the female whine and tried to get away then stopped moving when there was a crack sound where Damien stood on; the male wolf crushing her lungs against her rib cage making the female have a painful death than anyone else who died fighting. 

     Damien looked at the living four wolves, giving a sigh he turned to them "Leave, we are no longer Evening Hounds wolves. You four may join other packs around here, I wish you luck on your future journeys and where ever you go" he says dipping his head at his beta, his two lead hunter and fighter, and lastly at his delta. The four wolves looked at each other then at their now alpha "Damien you're our alpha now, we can't just leave you-" the delta began before he fell silent when Damien spoke back "Yes you can, Chase. I'm not a official alpha, I was going to be but I can't now" he says looking at the four wolves. "Now you, Quinton, Mia, and Leo may leave. Me and Ashton are going somewhere else, I once again wish you luck on your travels and  hopefully we see each other again before we grow old" he says finishing with a small smile before padding away from his four pack mates he called best friends, he walked to his brother's hiding spot and called him out before walking to the woods with him following close beside him, Damien started to slow and limp as his wounds started to get to him.

     Damien started to pant more, standing in one place as Ashton padded forward; being a few feet ahead then stopped when he heard his brother hit the ground once they crossed over another pack's territory. "Damien!" Ashton called and ran towards his brother, nudging him to stand but failed because how much smaller he was compared to her older brother then he started to look around and trotted off a little shouting for someone to help him. Damien's ear twitched a little "Hush Ashton" he called out, his voice still strong while his body was weak; the older wolf didn't want any other loners to find them and be unable to fight them. "No someone needs to help you brother" Ashton barked back before letting out sorts of howls hoping they are reaching wolves or even humans, Damien let out a low growl making Ashton stop and look over "It's not going to help if lone wolves come and find you" he says to younger brother. His brother was going to say something until they both heard howls from other wolves "Great, like what I said" Damien says trying to stand on his own four legs getting ready to fight before he fell onto the ground again, blacking out this time as he did so. The last thing he heard was his brother shouting his name again and another voice trying to hush the pup and other wolves touching Damien's fur, the last thing Damien though was I hope these wolves help us rather than kill us.

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