Comets and Stars

25 0 8

Axor was staring.

He had been staring for the past hour, actually. While Aeden worked, seemingly focused on his shoulders and back. Aeden was wearing a silk robe that Axor made, it having fallen off his shoulders and dipped down his back. He hadn't bothered putting it back up, though. The only person here was his boyfriend. And while he ignored it all this time, it was starting to get distracting.

"Axor, what are you staring at?" The white haired elf turned his head to the hybrid on the bed, tilting to the side.

The spider hybrid blinked a few times before focusing on Aeden's face, squinting slightly at the freckles across the bridge of his nose and cheeks. "Counting them." He stated plainly.

Aeden gave him a confused glance before standing up from the desk and walking over, sitting next to the other male. "Counting what, exactly?" He raised a hand up, running his fingers through Axor's hair absentmindedly. It was the same color as his own, white, but was much thicker. It contrasted against his dark bluish black skin beautifully, and brought out the dark red of his eyes. Every day, Aeden was reminded of how beautiful his boyfriend is and how lucky he is to have him.

Axor smiled at him and everything seemed right with the world. "Your freckles, Aeden. They are like stars." These words caused the elf to blush, but thankfully not burst into flame. Their blankets were not fireproof.

"Well," Aeden leaned in close, a smile playing on his lips as ruby eyes stared into gold. "How many did you count so far?"

Their closeness, once awkward, had quickly became something they both yearned for. For Axor, Aeden was a personal heater and was incredibly comfortable to sleep with. For Aeden, he just wanted Axor's company. Being close to someone, both mentally and physically, gave him a sense of security that he didn't know he craved until he met Axor.

Cool hands cupped his cheeks as lips pressed against his own, soft and gentle as Axor always was. Between slow kisses he murmured, "One hundred and five," pulling the other male even closer and he shifted their weight to be more comfortable.

They stayed in each other's arms for awhile, Aeden's work long forgotten in favor of getting wrapped up in each other.

The elf pulled away slowly, shifting over to Axor's back, lightly running his fingertips across his skin. He felt the other tense under his touch as he moved his hair, pressing small kisses to the back of his neck in order to relax him before moving lower, to the pale lines of scars from many years of abuse and mistreatment.

"One," Aeden murmured in another tongue as he kissed one scar, something he rarely did outside of these walls. Elvish was hardly ever spoken these days, not in the human lands anyways. But, Axor loved hearing it and even knew some himself. His golden eyes slid close, knowing where each line was by heart. He had done quite a lot of staring himself over the years.

"Now what are you doing?" Axor asked with a chuckle, closing his eyes and reaching for one of Aeden's hands. He intertwined their fingers with a smile, rubbing his thumb on the back of the other's hand.

"Two." He let his actions speak for himself, counting each scar as his lips passed over them. He was used to being on Axor's back by now, easily maneuvering himself to reach each and every scar, down to where his human flesh met his spider abdomen. His free hand had been used to keep himself stable, and was now rubbing circles on his side.

He moved back up, his arms now going around the other's waist. "I'm counting. My freckles may be stars, but your scars are comets, much more dazzling and beautiful." Now it was Azor's turn to blush.

"You certainly are cheesy..." Axor turned, lifting Aeden up from his backside and in front of him again. His flustered, yet happy expression was completely worth it.

"You said basically the same thing a few minutes ago!" Aeden laughed, moving his hand back in Axor's hair. He couldn't help it, he loved to play with it.

"Yeah yeah..." Axor huffed, moving them until they were under the blankets, also made by Axor, and in their normal position. "We should sleep now though, it's late."

"But I still have some more work--"

"Aeden, I will trap you in this bed if you don't go to sleep now." Ah, this conversation was practically a part of their nightly routine at this point. Aeden was a workaholic and if it wasn't for Axor, would've ran himself to the grave at age twenty. It got even worse after that incident, but he was very slowly starting to ease back into a normal schedule.

"Fine." Aeden huffed, laying on his side as he curled around the spider hybrid. "... I love you." He whispered quietly, staring up at Axor before putting out the candles and shutting his eyes.

"I love you too, Aeden." He kissed the younger boy's forehead before beginning to fall asleep himself.


After writing that headcanon, I couldn't resist.

Is this slight foreshadowing to what I have planned? Maybe :3

Also, these two are so much fun to write I love their dynamic and how cute they are together--


Axoden is their ship name unless you have any other suggestions???

Random One-ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon