Samson Act 1

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          I walk into my English class just as the bell rings. Looking around, I can see that my seat was taken, so I make the split second decision to sit in the empty desk beside the teacher. I don't talk too much in this class so I don't really care who I sit near. As long as it's not beside the preppy white kids that seem to have followed me over the course of my school career. It's so weird being the smart black girl because there's no other black person in the class but you and maybe two others, if you're lucky. So I'm used to having the same people in my advanced classes; it gets so annoying.
          Mrs. Booke gets up from her desk and starts to dissect old Romantic literature that none of us cares about. But Mrs. Booke's sarcastic and loose style of teaching makes it a little more interesting. About 10 minutes into her lesson (which was just her rambling at this point), there's a knock at the door. Tristan Ruiz, an acquaintance of mine, goes to answer it eagerly.
          I smirk, it's Samson Little; his head almost touching the doorframe. "Little" is such an ironic name compared to his stature. He's usually late, so much so that the teacher doesn't even count him tardy anymore. I watch as Tristan and Samson dap each other up, Samson smiling widely as he sits down beside Tristan. They sit on the same side of the room as me and listening in on their loud conversations always amuses me. I tend to unintentionally eavesdrop a lot; comes with being a naturally antisocial person.
          The class goes on and on, nothing really special happening. Unless Tristan asking me for help counts as something. Finally, the bell rings and I'm one of the first people out of there. The way the schedule is set up means that I can skip for almost two hours or go home. They call it Astro-Time, since our school mascot is a star. I guess they were trying to make it more catchy. It's either eat lunch and leave or just leave to be honest. I love it. Making my way to the courtyard, I'm greeted by my usual yet unusual group of friends.

          I plop my half naked self onto my bed. Finally home and alone. I smile, wriggle myself into my covers, and turn on my TV. My phone vibrates by my side; a Snapchat message from a guy named Sam? Intrigued, I quickly open it up, he replied to this thing on my story I posted last night. Basically, if you swipe up with a number, I'd copy and paste this list I was sent and it had several actions that correspond with the numbers you chose. Those actions would be things that we'd do in a room together alone. AKA, a your typical chain message.
          I respond and copy and paste the list. Oddly enough, he chose 5 which was one of the more flirtatious options.
          5) Making out
          Exiting out of the app, I watch the beauty guru on my screen curse out a product. Then my phone vibrates again, geez he responds back fast. I grin a little and open the message.

💯Sam😈: Aye 5 my lucky number

😜NiNi🐏: 5 isn't even a lucky number😂

💯Sam😈: Who are you to say it's not🧐?

😜NiNi🐏: Lol I'm Niombe and mine are multiples of seven. But 5 is just an odd number that's all lol

💯Sam😈: It is an odd number true lol but odd things tend to be the best things

😜NiNi🐏: Lol you're not wrong about that

💯Sam😈: Well🧐

😜NiNi🐏: Welllll wyd😂

           What started out as a slow conversation, skyrocketed into a spiraling discussion of the most random nonsensical things. From why I don't like chocolate milk to his hilarious antics with his family. I found out that Sam is a Nordos who's Blessing is Strength. And when I told him that I was a Divine, he didn't change how he talked to me or anything. It was like it didn't make a difference. That hardly happens to me, it was... refreshing. We texted each other for hours and started a "Never Have I Ever" game to help get to know each other. Each time one of us won, the other would have to answer a question.
It's easy for me to make friends through social media. All they have to do is be a somewhat decent texter. Sam was great at it so the conversation didn't seem to end until I went to bed.
          The only problem with making friends this way, is the fact that I never really get to meet them.

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