Tick, Tick, Tick

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Series: Kirakira Pretty Cure
Date completed: 13th May 2019
Content warnings: Themes of depression, gore, and overall not very nice stuff


Life was so...boring.

So repetitive, like a ticking metronome, never stopping, but always disappointing.

Without fail.

"Hey, what's your problem, Rabbit?"

Ah, there it was. That annoying voice, accompanied by clicking heels. Again. Again and again.

"You should know by now that my name is not Rabbit," I respond shortly. I don't have any time to spare for someone like her. That has always been my mindset, for as long as I can remember.

"It might as well be, for all the personality left in you." The aggravating voice's owner stares down at me. Her name always escapes my mind, somehow. I ignore her, but it becomes difficult when she bends down and prods my cheek with a slender finger, cold to the touch. I flinch away.

Huh...at least I still have my reflexes.

The girl stops. Maybe she's finally bored of using me as stress relief. She stares at me for a moment, as if suddenly concerned, then sits down next to me. I don't bother hiding my expression of disgust. She offers a shrug.

"Look, I'm just...worried, okay? Before, well, you know...before that, you used to be so energetic, even when you were going a bit, um, weird. It always ticked me off, but...I think I preferred the old you. At least then, you were a fun enemy."

There she goes again. Rambling on. She's insane, absolutely off the deep end, everyone says so...

And yet she's clearly more human than I'll ever be.

I narrow my eyes a little. "The old me was a child. An ignorant, foolish child...that's all she would ever amount to. Her life was meaningless." I tilt my head without much enthusiasm, meeting the peculiar, piercing yellow gaze of that girl. "Now, I have purpose."

She leans back, and sucks air in through her teeth, almost disapprovingly.

I glare. "Don't condescend. Was that not the correct answer?"

She sighs. "Look, kid...there are no correct answers. Not anymore. But...the stuff you're saying is way too heavy for your age. Aren't you like, still only sixteen? You're literally a—"

"It's been two years...?" I mean to think the words, but they stumble from my lips, cutting her off and startling both of us. We meet each others' gaze until she blinks, then shakes her head.

"You can't even remember that? Jeez, this is worse than I thought," she says dejectedly. "I knew we shouldn't have chosen you...he could have picked anyone, you know? An adult, someone depressed and willing to give themselves up or something, anything but a freakin' kid..." She looks at me again, and frowns. "Ignore me."

"He had to select me, since I am a Pretty Cure," I explain with slow emphasis, as if addressing a small child. It's obvious, and she should know something so trivial anyway. This girl really is stupid, so I have to be light with my words...I suppose. "All currently active Pretty Cure are below the age of eighteen, if I am not mistaken. An adult was not an availability."

The girl's eyes light up, as if she's caught me off guard. "Nope! Miss Robotic over here finally slipped up, eh? Ha!" she exclaims with a smirk. "What about the cat girl and the redhead? They must be nineteen at least by now!"

I freeze.

I made a mistake.

But more importantly...

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