Vampire idea

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(And yes that is my drawing, I know it's bad don't bully me)

My idea is that Taehyung is a vampire that has lived over the centuries watching people advancing and learns from them . The small city he always observes knows he is there in the shadows ,watching, but leaves him be. They all know he's completely harmless as he has always just observed and only got involved maybe to help a old lady/young child in need. He has one of the sweetest hearts but that's also a problem considering he has to drink blood to survive. Luckily Tae has a best friend called Jimin (I'll draw him another day) that's also a vampire. Jimin being the caring soul he is he helps Tae by not so nicely force feeding him blood of animals or humans that have traveled to far into the forest that is on the outskirts of the small city. It might not sound to nice but Jimin is just worried that his friend will starve himself to death so he MAKES SURE Tae doesn't miss a meal.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2019 ⏰

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