Warm | Emma x Ray

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Emma x Ray


The rain beat a violent sound on the rooftop of Grace Field. Emma, who was six at the time, was afraid of the rain and the rumbling of the thunder. Since Norman and others were asleep, she felt even more terrified and alone. She wanted to hide in the closet or go to mama's room. 

Her fear escalated quickly when a flash of lightning illuminated the room, she flinched and ran out of the bedroom and into the hallway. Emma covered her mouth in order not to scream and she looked around the hallway in case no one was up. There was no one and she was relieved until she saw a light coming from the library so she decided to go in and see.

She peeked inside but no one was in the library. She went in to have a look around. Some books were stacked on a table and she even saw a cup of water next to them. Emma wondered if she were to read something, it would at least get her mind off of the rain. She picked up a book but Emma flinched and made a small squeak sound when Ray suddenly touched her shoulder from behind.


"Yo." He said and grabbed a book from the stack. "What are you doing up?" Ray looked at her curiously.

"I- I um... I couldn't sleep because of the rain." She admitted. She didn't like the lighting and the thunder. Usually, it was Norman that comforted her but this time it was Ray and it was getting awkward for the both of them. Her eyes fidgeted to the door then back to Ray. "What are you doing up Ray?"

"I like to read here at night sometimes. Everyone is asleep so It's quiet."

Ray coughed and sat on the floor next to the bookshelf. He patted on the ground signaling her to sit. Emma hesitated for a second then the thunder boomed and Emma sat then clung her arm with Ray's. He looked at her with both annoyance and puzzled expression. 

"You know... you don't need to be afraid of the lightning and thunder. It's not going to hurt you." 

"Ray-" Emma froze. He was right. The rain didn't hurt her. But she still was afraid. She didn't want to admit it anymore. So she forced a smile on her face. 

Five minutes pass... Emma was quiet. Ray looked at her from his peripheral vision and saw she was looking at his book.

"What's the book about?" She asked.

"Ah... It's just a fantasy about a Mage." He replied. Emma grabbed one side of the book and they both began to read. It felt like a long time since they both hung out like this, mainly because Ray isolated himself from the rest of his family. It gave Emma a warm fuzzy feeling of happiness and it even made her forget about the rain.

"The main character reminds me of you." Emma spoke. 

"M-Me?" Ray blushed. "How?"

"He's mysterious and very quiet. But is also kind even if he looks unkind."  Emma smiled then put her head on Ray's shoulder. "And... is an introvert." She yawned. 


Ray heard a soft snore coming from next to him. He looked and saw Emma had fallen asleep. 
Ray stood up, went to his room and got out his blanket.

When he returned, he decided to cover Emma up with the blanket. She looked peaceful and knowing that the rain had stopped made her worry less about it. Ray saw Emma form a small smile on her face and he was flustered by it. Ignoring it, Ray continued reading on his own but later fell asleep next to Emma.

"Your safe, Emma."


This was a little short so sorry about that. Anyways. This is the first time I'm doing a one-shot so I hope it goes well. Until the next chapter, see ya! 

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