Prologue (Part 1)

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Beep... Beep. The two-way microphone almost blasted my left eardrum. I immediately lowered the volume. It was my employer.

"Antonidas? Are you there?" she asked. Her voice was annoyingly cute. Like a chihuahua or something.

"Yes. I'm here," I aptly responded while getting dressed in the hotel bathroom. I had just gotten out of the shower after spending twelve hours of my day yesterday looking for a decent sniper's perch, and another twelve planning around the execution and escape. The only thing that kept me alert and alive was that cup of Myna's world-famous coffee on my dresser. I deserved that coffee.

"Good," she responded. "I'm sorry for the long wait, but your target is on its way. Keep your eyes peeled, please."

Another beep sounded off, signifying that the conversation was over. I briefly wondered why someone so sweet and innocent would hire someone like me. But then again, I've worked for far worse.

As I finished getting dressed, I took some time to fix myself in the mirror, greasing and combing my jet-black hair. I wore a black graphic t-shirt and skinny jeans that nearly cut off my circulation – an almost flawless camouflage amongst the regular youth in Myna's Capitol. The fact that I was twenty-six years old and looked about eighteen was icing on the cake.

The last thing I wanted to do was get caught in the Capitol, of all places. And if I did, well... that's why I always came prepared. Two high energy laser pistols were at my side, along with two EMP grenades. I was also in possession of a long-range sniper rifle I had concealed in a guitar case.

And if things really got bad... well, that's why I always wore my Hollow gear suit underneath my clothes.

Oh yeah, the thing about Hollow gear suit. If you've ever held a conversation with your local hitman for more than five minutes, they'd probably mention how they'd love to get their hands on the elusive "armor spandex." All you need to know is that it has constantly saved my ass through four years of contracting experience.

After I was done admiring my materialistic possessions, I decided to open up the bathroom's window to enjoy the view for a bit.

It was almost dusk. The setting sun was like a blazing pink flame, and its embers were beginning to fade into the majestic purple clouds. Commercial transport ships dotted the lavender skyline like little floating dinner plates; most likely business executives and wealthy folk heading back to their homes after a long day of work.

The city itself was large and bustling, full of skyscrapers, insane levels of traffic, and several outlet malls. The metallic, dull grey environment was a total contrast to the various aromas of nearby pastry shops and bakeries wafting through the air; almost as if the people living there were apologizing for completely decimating the environment around them with useless structures and excessive food courts.

A large, vast town square was in the center of it all, with a lone podium in the middle. Citizens of the Capitol were in their seats, waiting in anticipation for the 'special guest' to arrive. Vendors served popcorn, cotton candy, and all sorts of concessions. Little did they know - they all had unknowingly purchased front row seats to the Antonidas Express.

The outer reaches of the town square were littered with various armed security details, just as I had expected. Troops were milling about in their distinguished crimson gear and bulletproof vests, wielding a variety of long ranged weapons.

The Myna corporation holds the most peaceful Capitol of all time in the palm of its hands, and it is all due to the fact that it contains the largest and most well-equipped military out of all six companies ruling the Earth. Their tactics and lethality in combat are formidable, tricky, and sure as hell not something I felt like dealing with today. It was best for me to avoid them altogether.

It wouldn't be wise to escape in a stolen car. Even something as trivial as traveling on foot, even for a small amount of time, was a gamble. Hopefully I'd be able to make it out of this clean.

The stars were slowly beginning to become visible, as well as a faint breeze steadily beginning to pick up in the air, possibly throwing off my aim by a few centimeters. These hindering factors only meant one thing in particular.

Time was running short.

Beep... beep. Another call from the chihuahua.

"Antonidas," she says coldly.

"What is it?"

"Your target is now in the square. Proceed accordingly." And with another beep, she was gone. Couldn't help but notice a bit of worry in her voice this time.

I looked over once more at the masses, who were now beginning to clap and cheer as a white limousine appeared on the scene, escorted by four- no, wait, six - bulletproof heavy armored vehicles, as black as night.

My adrenaline was beginning to flow.

Suddenly, the rear door opened up. The moment of truth. I grabbed my rifle and took aim, zooming in with my beautiful new adjustable scope, to get a better look.

A rather dapper looking fellow in a white-green pinstriped suit stepped out of the limo to hug a woman and her two twin children; I had assumed this was his family. Armed guards stepped out of the van, blocking the masses from crowding the man.

Fairly older dude, fair skinned. Couldn't be more than 40. Bald head. Glasses. Twins.

This was him. This was my hit.

As he walked towards the podium, my entire being ached with pride. Even after all these years, I still never lost my touch.

A great sniper's perch, and an amazing sight picture. Just me, a single pointed round, and that poor sucker's skull.

I waited patiently as the boastful fellow stood at the podium, clearly addressing all in the square. That microphone was booming; I could hear the man's voice from all the way over here. His family waltzed on stage with him, waving to the crowd in excitement and glee. He was up there speaking for quite a while. Whatever they were announcing, it seemed like something truly inspiring to the public. Maybe it was something good for the people. Or maybe it was yet another outlet mall.

Like Myna certainly needed another one of those.

I took a moment of silence in respect for the man standing with his family on that day. He actually looked like a pretty stand-up dude down there, chatting it up with his followers or fans. It's a shame he had such a high price on his head. 

I loaded one into the chamber, and then proceeded to take aim.

"Sorry, pal. But somebody wants you dead."

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