The Race

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When I wake up, I feel the cold September breeze through my window. The kind of breeze that makes you want to buy a one-way ticket to Florida. The kind of breeze that makes you want to close up the house, turn on the heat, and spend the day bundled up sitting next to the fire, drinking hot chocolate. If it were up to me, that's exactly what I would be doing; sleeping til ten, drinking hot chocolate by the fire, and finish reading The Book Thief. I smile. Yes! I could invite my friend Hannah over, and maybe even go to the latest Jennifer Lawrence movie. We could also.......

"Samantha!!!" My father's voice breaks my thoughts and makes realize what today is. Saturday. Cross country meet. Ugh, how exactly did my dad convince me to join? It would be so much easier to just hit the snooze button, and sleep for another three hours. But no. I had to join the cross country team, according to my father.

" It will do you good." Was his comment. "

"Besides, your grandfather is a proud alumni of the team and look how good in shape he is!" Its true. My grandaddy is 81 years old and still runs at least a mile everyday. He's sort of like my best friend. Him and my grandma live in this really cool lighthouse up in Maine, that's been in my family for years. When I was little, I always pretended I was the lighthouse princess, wearing my lucky shell necklace my grandaddy made for me, from some of the shells we found in the ocean in his backyard. He always tells stories of when him and his four brothers were little, causing mischief throughout town. Someday, the house will be passed down to my brothers and I. My dad could have moved us in years ago if he wanted, but he chose the suburban life for us. Anyway, as I make my way downstairs, I find that my two brothers, Matt and Liam are already downstairs eating my favorite Saturday morning cinnamon roles. Mhhhm I think as the sweet fragrance fills my nose.

"Hey Sammy are you ready to die today?" My annoying older brother Matt says. I shoot him a glare.

" At least I didn't fall flat on my face in front of hundreds of people at the Lakewood game." Matt is the star running back for our towns local high school football team. Last night, we played Lakewood, our towns rival. It was just before halftime when Matt caught the ball and slipped and fell in some pothole on the field. He was now on crutches for four weeks, and had to sit out the rest of his Junior season. Apparently, however this didn't seem to bother him at the moment and he said,

"Well lets just hope you don't do the same and make a fool out of yourself, which won't be so hard now will it?" I started to protest, but my mom caught in.

"Sammy will be fine." My mom said firmly. "She will finish the race just like everybody else. She looked at me and smiled. "Isn't that right?" I struggled.

"I'll try." I mumbled, while grabbing a cinnamon role.

"Oh no sweetie you can't have any cinnamon roles today!" My mom said.

"Why not?" I argued.

"You have a meet today! And everyone know's you MUST eat healthy before a race!"

"Not everyone." I mumbled.

"Nonsense I made some healthy peanut butter toast just for you. And, I bought a gallon of chocolate milk for you to drink as well." I guess my mom forgot that I hate chocolate milk but I gulped in down anyway, finished my toast, and ran upstairs to start packing. Lets see..... uniform check. Shoes....... check Water........check.. Socks........ Check. Extra socks....... check. Extra shoes...... check. Duffel bag...... hold on where was it??

"Mom!" I yelled down the stairs. " I can't find my duffel bag!"

"Is it in the garage?" She yelled. "That's where I saw it last." In the garage? Why would it be there. Whatever, I thought. I might as well look there. I hurried downstairs, went into the garage and started my search. After a few minutes, I spotted a bright green something by our dog's water dish. I realized that it was my duffel bag, soaking wet from the water.

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