Chapter 1

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It was a sunny, Tuesday afternoon when Jane Meadows had received a call from her elderly grandmother, Virginia. Her grandmother had recently fallen ill and Jane was worried that she would be soon pushing up the daisies.

"Of course. I'll be there soon." Jane got into her beat-up '96 Chevy and drove the painstaking 63 miles to her grandmother's home. Her grandmother lived in a Condo by the beaches, where Jane had spent her whole childhood in, summer after summer.

She decided that she'd park at the beach and walk her way to the Condos. A little exercise wouldn't kill her.

Buzzing the lobby desk to let her in, she greeted the new desk lady who had just started her job a few months prior.


"Wait there. You'll need a visitor's pass." The lady eagerly reached over the marble counter to hand Jane a pass. "That should keep you all good for today." She said.

Jane nodded and headed toward the elevators, waiting in a crowd amongst other people.

After what felt like an eternity, the elevator had finally arrived. Jane paused, letting the elderly couple and the mother with a stroller out first before she went into the cramped elevator.

"What floor?" The woman across from Jane had asked.

Jane cleared her throat. "Four."

Moments later the elevator arrived and she got off, going down the hallway to her grandma's condo, number 406.

Before she could press the doorbell, her grandmother had already opened the door.

"My dear Jenna!" She crooned, waving her in.

"It's Jane, Grandma." She corrected. Virginia had always mixed up her and her older sister. 

"Oh, sorry dear. Come sit down, I'll make us some tea."

Plugging in the kettle, Virginia grabbed her teacups and matching saucers and set them on the coffee table.

"George! Jane's here." Her grandmother called out, her voice scratchy and dry.

"Jane who?" Her grandfather called out, slowly making his way into the room.

"Our granddaughter!" Virginia exclaimed, then sighed. She knew her attempt was useless. It was only a matter of time before he forgot again.

"Hi, Grandpa." Jane waved.

"Who are you and why are you in my house?"

"I'm your granddaughter, Jane. Do you remember? I brought those chocolate chip cookies last week."

He shook his head and sat down. With Grandma ill, Jane didn't know what was going to happen with her Grandfather. His dementia had been getting worse over the years and every time Jane had come over, he looked iller than the last.

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