Chapter 1

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Isabella was walking though the old Jedi Temple that was once filled Jedi who walked in halls. As she was walking she came to a room she never really cared for until now. She walked upped to the door and opened it. When she opened the door it was the room of her grandfather's. She would feel his force signature and it was strong. It nearly knocked her over, but she regain her balance. 

Bella, looked around the room and saw holocron on a table and she figured it was her grandfather's when he was Jedi before he fell to the dark side. Bella, never really understood why he fell to the dark side, but she never asked questions when she knew that wouldn't get answered ever. Once ever five or so years her grandfather would appear to her and they would talk for hours. But, this year he didn't appear and she wasn't sure why he didn't, but like normal she didn't ask any questions. 

Late one night Bella went for a walk and her father was in council chamber alone thinking. She walked into the chamber and over to father and ask "Father, is everything alright?' She was worried that something was wrong so, she wanted to know what it was. When Luke turned to face her, he had a sad look on his face and then said "Bella, you've gone into your grandfather's room when I've told not yet you did." "Father, I didn't know it was his room! How was I meant to know!? I'm sorry that I'm not the daughter you've wanted." Bella was angry and hurt that her own father didn't trust her. It was as if her own father ripped her heart out himself. To angry to say anything else to her father so, she left the chamber and headed back to her room.

While walking back to her room she was no longer in the Jedi temple. She was in the middle of a battle and she had no idea as how she got there at all. But, then she heard voices and they sounded like two guys. "Master, who do think this is?" It was young man who had asked the question. "You could just ask who I am?" Bella spoke up. The older man looked at her then back to the young man. "Well young one who might you be?" "My name is Isabella Starkiller and you are?" She asked. "My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi and this is Anakin Skywalker." Bella, had no idea what to say them as she figured that she was in the past and also meeting her grandfather before he fell to the dark side and became Darth Vader. 

Hours later they were all heading back to Coruscant to the Jedi Temple. As they were heading to Coruscant she knew that her grandfather and his master would ask her questions. She wouldn't be able to tell them everything about the future as it could end badly. Anakin would walk over to Bella and ask "What is your real name young one?" " My name is Isabella StarKiller. Sir, why would ask for my real name if I have given it to you already?" She was just as stubborn as him. " Anakin leave the poor girl alone. She's done nothing wrong." "Thank for that Obi-wan, but I stand up for myself even if I am dealing with Skywalker." "Why you...." "What are you going to be? Kill me Skywalker like you've done to my family!" Bella looked at Anakin with anger in her eyes. "Obi-wan do you mind leaving" Obi-wan wasn't sure what was going to happen, but he didn't want any part in it so, he left leaving Anakin and Bella alone. 

Anakin looked at Bella and felt that she was related to him. "Anakin, you should sit down. I need to tell you something that will blow your mind." Anakin sat down and Bella looked at him. "My real name Anakin is Isabella Skywalker. I'm the daughter of Luke and Mara Skywalker and the granddaughter to Padme and Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader." Anakin had no words to say as he just looked at his granddaughter. "Please say something." Bella begged him "What do you expect me to say Bella?" "I don't know. Maybe that you happy or confused. Just anything would be nice." Anakin stood up and walked over to Bella and hugged her and said "It's nice to meet you little one." Bella smiled and hugged Anakin back. 

Travel to the past Book 1Where stories live. Discover now