"Happy Changes in LIFE"

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As I sat in the window of my room and sip a cup of coffee, I am wondering how my life has changed so much in just one month. It's like I am in an altogether different world. I am happier these days, get less irritated with the traffic, complain a lot less about the politics of the country, eat without any fuss, ignore the jerks in the office, and I am suddenly always lost in my own world with a stupid smile etched on my face. This is certainly not me and I wonder what brought this change. Well, Iknow what brought this change or rather who brought this change.

This all happened when I met 'him' at the conference that I attended last month at Bengaluru. I along with my manager and one of my colleagues was to represent on behalf of the Chandigarh branch of the company at the Annual event for a 3 days-long conference. I was so excited because this was my first time at such a grand event which surely is good for my career. I remember how nervous I was when my name was called out and I had to give a presentation before the VP of our company on the last day. I took Babaji's name and went on the stage. I started the presentation and slowly gained the confidence to keep going. I was in the process of explaining the growth chart when I first saw 'him'. He was sitting in the second row and looked like he was listening intently to what all I was saying. His eyes had that warmth and his face had that smile which further boosted my confidence. I don't know how that could have happened since I never saw him before in my life, but guess his eyes captivated me.

I was congratulated and applauded for my presentation and in all this; I had forgotten about those captivating eyes but suddenly someone called me from behind, "Excuse me". I turned around and found him standing before me with the same warmth in his eyes. "Hi, I am Maan, Maan Singh Khurana", he said forwarding his hand towards me "Congratulations". I shook hands with him "Thank you!!! Geet, Geet Handa". "I know I saw your presentation", he replied with a smile, "You did a great job!! I guess this was your first time right?" I was surprised that he noticed and asked him the same "Thank you Maan. Yes, it was my first time, how did you know?" "Well, I have been here before too so I know people around", he said. "I really liked your confidence and the way you put forward the whole thing". "Thank you Maan", I replied not knowing what else to say. I don't know why but his constant praises were making me blush; guess this was the doing of his eyes. "So you are from Chandigarh branch, right? I am working in the Hyderabad office", he told me. "Hyderabad?? That is nice, I have heard a lot about the accomplishments of that particular office", I informed him. Hyderabad office really was doing well amongst other branches and we all considered it kind of a benchmark for us. "Oh is it? That is great to know, we have really amazing people working with us in Hyderabad", he replied. Our small talk was interrupted by my friend cum colleague Karthik, "Geet", he called me. "Yes, Karthik? Wait, meet Maan, he is working in the Hyderabad office and Maan, meet Karthik, he works with me", I introduced them to each other. They shook hands and said hellos. Karthik meanwhile told me that my manager was calling me and wanted to introduce us to someone. "I guess I will see you around at the lunch," Maan asked "Sure thing, Nice meeting you Maan", I told him and he just smiled. I and Karthik excused ourselves and went on to meet my manager. Rest of the morning was spent networking with people but that small talk with Maan surely left me smiling.

"So you are not having chicken huh? I heard it's good here" his voice startled me and I turned back to see him standing with a sheepish smile on his face. "God, Maan!! You scared me" I was busy filling up my plate with pasta when he came from behind. "Hehe!! Sorry, Geet!! So no chicken huh?" he eyed my plate. "Umm, yeah I am a vegetarian", I replied slowly. "What? Really?" he asked me with shock written all over his face. "Yea why do you look so surprised though?"I asked being confused at his extreme reaction. He absorbed his shock and said, "Umm, no I mean I thought you are a Punjabi and you must..." "And I must loveButter Chicken right?" I completed it for him with a laugh. He was embarrassed and looked cute with that face trying to apologize, "Uh no, I am sorry, it's just Punjabis are always said to be chicken fans so I just assumed, I am sorry." "Hey that's ok, please don't say sorry, I hear this quite often" I quickly replied not liking the way he was saying sorry for such a small thing because I know that is how Punjabis are perceived right? And I did not mind at all. We moved to the nearby table and sat down for lunch. We had fun talking to each other and were later on joined by Karthik and Maan's colleague Akshat.

"Happy Changes in LIFE" - Maaneet OSWhere stories live. Discover now