Chapter 1: New Life

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Imagine being the only new person at a school this year. Imagine having to leave your family to live in a better place instead of... Well other complications.

Well that is my life right now. Oh I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Ayden and I'm 16 years old, now living in.. Well the U.S.A with my mother. I am about 5'8" almost 5'9".. Almost. I have dark chestnut brown hair and light lavender eyes. My eyes are very unique, I get that but,  I love them because their my favorite feature about myself. I am very tanned like a nice caramel yet I still go very pale in the winter weather. I am kind of built, like I have muscles but not as defined as body builders.

I am so glad I came over from Spain... I couldn't stay with him for much longer before I ran away. Ugh.. I don't want to get to into this right now because tomorrow is my first day of school. An American school.. The place for the popular people to thrive, the geeks and nerds to play and the ones who fly under the radar to.. Well stay under the radar.

The plane journey over to New York was quite rocky, due to all the turbulence but the flight attendants were kind enough to reassure me that everything was going to be okay and that the plane wouldn't go crashing down. The landing was so smooth thy I didn't think we did land for a second until everyone started to get up and get their luggage. So I followed like a lost sheep. I got all my luggage which was about 4 suitcases worth cause I was not going back to Spain anytime soon. I was walking through the terminal when I heard my mother scream my name as she ran and tackled. Yes. Tackled me to the ground hugging and kissing my cheeks like a puppy who hasn't seen its owner in 5 months. We exchanged a few words before I was being wheeled over to the car. Me and my mum talked for the entire journey and when we reached the house my jaw dropped.

Now when I say this house is huge. I mean it is fucking massive. The only thing going through my mind was 'Shit mum is loaded'. I rushed inside the house and my jaw dropped more, if that's even possible. All I am going to say is that it looks fucking spectacular and from the foyer you could see the kitchen on the left and on the right you can see the living room. The kitchen had marble.... well everything and the libido got room, from what I can see had a tucking big TV. But all I really wanted to do was get into my room and get unpacked.

So I asked mum where my room was and she said up the stairs, all the way down the hall and on the right. So I followed her instructions. Trying to only make one trip, I had several bags of only my items, I made it to the door of my new bedroom. When I opened the door i was in a state of shock. My eyes were basically bulging out of their sockets.

The room was painted a deep wine purple and the bed was in the centre of the wall with matching sheets. On both sides I had counter tops. On the side of the room with my window, which looked out into the garden , was my desk area with a new laptop on there. And I front of my bed there was a tv with a PlayStation plugged into it. Also, and this is the best part , I have my own bathroom. I was so stoked about this. I jumped onto my bed and it was so soft. Like when you go shopping for a new mattress and you lay on the softest one in the store, it was like that feeling. I got up and went over to the laptop and a note was placed on the side.

It read "I wanted you to have the things I knew he couldn't give you. I'm so glad you're here. And I hope you like your room :) love, Mum"
I smiled and started tearing up as I began unpacking. I'm so happy to be here.

*** 2 Days later***

I'm currently sitting in my room playing my ps4 because I am so bored in this house and to be perfectly honest I cannot wait for school tomorrow. Now, don't shoot me for saying that. When you are so bored of staying at home, alone because you mother is constantly at work to get the promotion to CEO of a major company, you actually want the company of another human being... Oh lord I just sounded like an emo kid. I promise I'm not.

I really miss my friends from Spain because they understood me.. And they were all accepting about the fact that I'm gay. Even though I don't act it, I am very, very gay and I love myself for it. And it made me and my mum closer, when she found out, her exact words were "Oh honey, I've known you were gay ever since you were two years old prancing around in my red stilettos. Now I can talk to guys with the closest person in my life. I love you now go I'm making food."
She found out the day I came over because I had a week before school started up again. And then the next day, She was on the road to the company that she works for.

Back to the now, I have just finished playing COD: Ghosts  and now ordering Chinese food because why not. Chinese food is Fucking delicious so don't judge me. I can cook it's just I'm lazy when I have just finished playing games and cannot be bothered to cook myself something extravagant. The food arrived, actually quite quickly, I just paid on card because I don't have much change lying around but I gave him a tip and shut the door.

I decided to watch a film as well cause I need to mentally prepare myself for the cluster fuck that is school tomorrow. I just decided to watch Girls Trip because in all honesty, one of the greatest films i've ever watched. I'm just so glad Mum has MovieBox and Netflix. And all I could think to myself through the film was 'I want friends like that here'. After my food and the film ended, I did what any normal teenager would do, have a shower, brush my teeth and went to my king sized bed in just my shorts.

I cannot wait for tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2019 ⏰

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