Chapter One

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Jon opened the mailbox of his Manhattan apartment and saw the large envelope with his name and address done in beautiful calligraphy on the front. Flipping it over he saw the return address and eagerly ripped open the envelope with a smile.

He pulled out an invitation to Nikki's birthday in early December. Pressing the button to his floor in the private elevator, he waited until the doors closed before holding the card to his nose and inhaling with a small smile. There was a faint waft of a cigar from the back of the invitation where there was a hand-scrawled note.

"Pup, I hope you both can make it. Bring our SD card with you. Nikki x"

Jon opened his calendar on his phone and checked the date and grinned when he saw he was free. He immediately made a note in the allotted weekend to show that he would be busy.

The doors opened to the empty apartment and he threw his keys in the bowl by the door and hung up his jacket. He scoffed to himself when the rebellious thought flicked through his mind that he could have thrown his jacket on the floor if he wanted to. He had no one to answer here.

It had been an interesting time since Nikki's visit a couple of months ago. He'd gone home to Dorothea that weekend and confessed all; immediately feeling lighter, freer.

He was thankful that the kids were old enough to understand when he spoke to them all, Steph and Jesse on the phone, to make sure they understood what was happening. Dot packed a few things in silence and took Jake and Romeo out of town for the weekend with her. Her final words to him were "I want you gone by the time I get back." Jon had taken what he could from the big house, with David's help, and moved into their Manhattan apartment.

The night Nikki left for home, he'd called Richie. The conversation was pretty much one-sided for a good while, with Jon apologizing for almost every single transgression he could think of over the years. He hadn't realized he was rambling until Richie's laughter broke through, a sweet sound he'd missed so badly in the past 5 years, and he said, "Jonny... Jonny... take a breath, brother."

Jon did that, scrubbing his face with his hand and was surprised at the tears that had fallen unnoticed, then with a sigh, he said, "Rich... I miss you. I love you... too damn much. Do we got it anymore?"

Jon heard Richie sigh and he was pretty sure there was a sniffle or two followed by Richie clearing his throat before he answered softly, "I love you too, baby. Always have. Always will."

That was enough for the dam to break and they spend the next few hours talking about everything and anything until Jon started falling asleep. They spoke and video chatted every day after that, slowly working their way through the minefield of their lives, repairing the damage that had been done in the preceding years. They had decided to leave their careers as is, waiting for the right moment in time, if ever, for Richie to rejoin the band of brothers.

Jon jogged up the stairs to his bedroom and into the ensuite, stripping off his sweaty jogging gear and dumping it in the hamper. He dialed Richie's number, completely forgetting the time difference as he set the shower and climbed in under the hot spray. The Bluetooth kicked in and Jon listened to the ringtone as he shampooed his hair.

"'Lo," Richie's sleepy voice came over the speaker, "Baby, it's so early." Jon chuckled at the muffled whine.

"I'm sorry, baby," Jon replied, "I forgot what time it was. Forgive me?"

"Mmm maybe," Richie mumbled, "Are you in the shower?" The rustle of sheets could be heard over the shower spray.

"Yeah, I've been out jogging. I stunk," Jon chuckled, "Hey, would you like to come to a party with me on the 10th? It's in your neighbourhood, so I thought I'd come out early for that visit we've been planning."

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