Chapter One

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Not edited. This was just something fun I wanted to write. I was lying in bed one night and the idea came to me, and i've been working on it ever since. Hope you enjoy Shi's short story on her journey to finding love.


    "I've told you time and time again, Lee, I am not interested in going on another blind date

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"I've told you time and time again, Lee, I am not interested in going on another blind date." She told her cousin adamantly as she paced back and forth in her kitchen, the sound of her black heels clacking against the marble floor.

Lee followed her with his eyes, "Come on, Shi, the guy's a great guy. You'd like him."

She snorted loudly as she grabbed a pot from the bottom cabinet and walked over to her sink to fill it halfway with water before placing it down on her stove and turning the knob so that the water started to boil. "I highly doubt that." She replied, opening up a box of spaghetti noodles and dumping them out into the pot in front of her. Some water splashed up onto her blouse and she wiped it off with a napkin as she shifted her dark eyes to Lee briefly. "I'm tired of trying to get to know all of these egotistical guys! I'm tired of dating period." She practically seethed, "Guys are all the same. They only care about two things, talking about how much money they make and how big their-"

Lee held his hand up, stopping her from finishing. "Hey! Innocent ears here." He said referring to himself.

She rolled her eyes as she continued. "All I'm saying is that I'm tired of guys that care more about what materialistic things they acquire than caring about actually having a decent personality." She said, "Is that too much to ask for?"

Lee leaned against her gray counter top. "Just trust me on this one. This guy is different." He drummed his fingers along the top of the counter. "Besides, I just want you to be happy, Shi."

"I am happy." She replied, pouring the noodles out in the strainer that was sitting in the sink before she moved the now drained noodles back into the empty pot.

"You're not happy, Shi," Lee stated blandly, "You're lonely and it's depressing to watch."

She turned to him, a sour look on her face. "How am I depressing to watch?" She demanded, "Please explain it to me." She motioned, waiting for him to go on.

"Fine," Lee said, "You stay coped up in this apartment all the time by yourself. You don't go out unless it's for work, you don't have any friends, and heck, you don't even have a dog."

She placed a hand on her hip. "and you think a guy's going to help my loneliness." She air quoted that last part. "As you call it."

Lee shrugged. "I'm willing to try anything. Setting you up on a date is easier than trying to find you a best friend." He stated.

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