Chapter 1

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"Come on come on I'm almost there" I quietly whisper to myself as I swing to building to building just hoping that no one needs saving just hoping that I can just this once get to class on time today. I'm almost there just two more blocks and I will be there. "come on as" I continue to swing getting closer and closer and time gets shorter and shorter. I do one last swing as I land on top of the roof of doctor Connors class yes I say as I throw my bag on the roof taking of my mask and putting it in my bag. "I finally made it"

As I start to take of my left boot I hear a police siren in in a nearby

Street. I put on my mask and swing to the sound of the police siren as I hear the school bell ringing behind me "so close" I whisper to myself.

I catch up the police siren to find a police chase there was two police cars chasing a forward drive. I've got to stop them before someone gets hurt I thought to myself as I swing and leap on top of one of the police car shooting one web from each one of my webs shooters to the rear lights of the forward drive pulling my self towards the car landing on the back claiming up to the top and looking over. "I think you might have passed a red light" "I'm afraid I have to give you a speeding ticket" I say to them sarcastically "die spider"the man sitting in the passages seat says as he pulls out a spas 12 shot gun and shoots at me but my Spidey-sense picks it up just in time and I move out of the road quickly climbing back on top of the roof.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2014 ⏰

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