Two Courageous Lovers

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Two Courageous Lovers

I'm the girl you look at,

I'm the girl you smile at,

I'm the girl whose a stranger

You're the boy I look at,

You're the boy I smile at,

You're the boy whose a stranger

They are the strangers,

They look from afar,

They are scared of falling,

They are unknown,

They like one another,

too afraid to admit

Courage fell with her one day,

When she learnt of some news,

She caught his eye,

She smiled his way,

She walked up to him

He found her staring,

He smiled at the girl,

He looked up and she was there

"Hi I'm Annie" 

Said the girl, 

The boy replied and that's how they met

But now the news,

She heard that day,

haunts them both

She lay in the sick bed,

Him by her side,

They stayed there together,

Until time was no longer by her side

Cancer's a weird and terrible thing,

It brings courage, love, an ending

She smiled down at him,

He knew she was there,

They had their time together,

Two courageous lovers

A/N - This is my first poem so let me know what you think please! S x

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