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(twilight au)

VAMPIRE, cold one, demon, monster

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VAMPIRE, cold one, demon, monster. Melinda Sweete has been called a lot of things over the last few hundred years. She used to not believe them, she couldn't be a monster, could she? Melinda never broke any laws, she never littered, she always said please and thank you. Honestly, how could she be all of those horrible names? It wasn't until well over her 300th birthday that reality hit Melinda. How could she not be a monster? How many people has she killed? How many mothers, fathers, and children has she savagely tore apart. Call her naive, but she never saw what she did as wrong, not really. It didn't help that her coven assured her that she was never doing anything wrong. She suspects that has something to do with the fact that she's the "baby" of the group.

MELINDA decides it's time for a change. She can't go on living as a murderer, what's worse is that she never even saw herself as that before. She leaves her coven, a very hard thing to do as a vampire, and went nomad for almost fifty years. She decided to quit cold turkey, never again would she harm a human. Melinda tried the animal diet, she really did. But it never left her satisfied and her blood lust grew by the day. But she so desperately wanted to never hurt anything again, so she decided she would just take herself out of the equation.

CARLISLE Cullen had heard whispers of a vampire locked in a tomb for well over twenty years. She was rumored to be apart of the Sweete Coven. The Coven that was known for ravenging towns and killing with no mercy, but escaping punishment because their leader was the sister of Aro Voltori. He spent fifteen years searching for the tomb, when finally, he found it.

BELLA Swan wanted nothing more than to keep her head down and finish high school. She doesn't like the stares she gets as the new girl. She doesn't like the attention she seems to draw. But, all the eyes leave her when another new girl comes to Forks High school. Melinda Cullen, newly adopted daughter of Carlisle and Esme Cullen. And Bella can't explain the pull she feels to the girl, maybe it's because she's the most gorgeous person she's ever seen. Or maybe it's because she's the nicest person she's every met, Bella's not entirely convinced she's not an angel.

MATES are something Melinda had a lot of time to think about in the thirty-five years she was in the tomb. She was convinced she would never find hers. And if she did, she definitely didn't deserve one. When she enters Forks High after Carlisle insists that she's strong enough, the blood lust consumes her and she highly contemplates killing everyone in the school. But, a sweet aroma fills her sense and she follows it to her English class where she finds her salvation.


(vanessa morgan)

ISABELLA SWAN(kristen stewart)

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(kristen stewart)

[The cast of twilight as their respective selves]

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[The cast of twilight as their respective selves]

Bella is gAy. don't @ me. Also I'll update this with moodboards and a playlist later (:

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2019 ⏰

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