Chapter 1: Layers of Paint

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{Zain's POV}

It had been a long day as usual. My niece had been crying all night for whatever reason, and I couldn't get much sleep. I was having technical difficulties and couldn't stream. I got a text from Horse. Oddly enough he could. With the size of his hooves, you'd think it would be impossible.

Horse: Hey, have you been having twitch issues? I have been.

Me: Yeah, weird right? I asked some people on Discord if theirs was working and they also are having issues.

Horse: What's even weirder is that no one else except for the people who follow you are having these issues. I contacted twitch about it but of course they haven't gotten back to me.

Me: Huh. That's a new one. I'll contact twitch later about it. Right now I just need some sleep.

Horse: Okay, get some good rest! Hopefully these issues will be resolved.

Me: Thanks, I hope so too.

I put my phone on the charger, turned it off and dozed off.

I had the weirdest dream that night. I was in a strange looking house, specifically in a room filled with failed or scrapped paintings. I heard a rustling behind me, so I stood guard to try and defend myself if whatever was making those sounds was hostile. A white sheet started moving, lifting high into the air.

"This can't be a ghost, there's no way. Those movies can't be that stereotypical, can they?" I thought to myself.

All of a sudden, the blanketed figure neighed in distraught. I questioned it for a second, then I realized it was Horse! Who else could it be?
I ran over to help him out, and for a split second I could tell he was just as scared as I was when I found myself here. Although, he seemed relieved when he realized it was me by his side.

"Neigh! Thank goodness you're here! I went to bed and found myself under these sheets, thinking I was going to be suffocated!"

"It's alright for now, but first we have to find out how we got here. If you're here, there's bound to be more."

I heard a quiet groan behind me, and the floor creaked as another figure had risen from behind a covered painting. It was Abacagi. She stood there rubbing her temple as if she had a terrible headache.

"W-where am I?" She asked, clearly confused as to how she got there.

"Not sure. As far as I know, this is an old, abandoned mansion." I replied. She seemed quite surprised to see me here. I can't blame her. If I woke up in a place like this, and happen to see someone I recognize, it would be a little concerning for me too.

Curious, I find a door, and open it. Abacagi and Horse follow closely behind. It leads down a small hallway, then to another room with an opened window. It's raining, and the thunder startled Horse.

"It's okay Horse, wherever we are, I'll make sure we make it out." I say, which seemed to calm Horse a bit.

Abacagi walks over to the window.
"Hey guys, you need to see this."

Me and Horse walk over, to see the words
"Just out of reach" on a wall on the outside. All of a sudden, the window slides down and locks, almost smashing my fingers in the process.

"I think I know where we are." Abacagi says. She opens the door we came in, and it leads to a different room. No hallway.

"We're in the first Layers of Fear game."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2019 ⏰

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