Blue Tiger

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*Y/S/N means your screen name*

You sat alone in your room, grazing through social media. The relentless nagging of sleep tugged at your eyelids as you scanned over each post. When you finally decide to give into the sleep whispering in your eyes you notice a blue tiger with a red lightning bolt on it's eye. The bright colors caught you attention. You save the unique tiger and place your phone on the charger in hopes you'd use that tiger for inspiration. You snuggle into you grey silk sheets and quickly gave into the slumber.

Dressing for these shows never pleased you. You were never embarrassed about the fact that you were practically a porn star. You started this because you never felt uncomfortable with your body and finding a job in southern California was harder then she thought. The only way people saw your body is if they paid for it on patreon. You knew there was perves out there but you didn't know they would pay so much to see you naked. You made enough money to pay your rent but other then that you're barely scraping by. 

You finish dressing in one of the red lingerie pieces on of your fans bought you. You sit down on your sheets and set up your laptop at the right angle. You make sure everything is in place before you hit record. You do your thing as usual.

After you finish you say your outro with a wink and end your recording. Before you upload any new video you check for any new subscribers to your patreon. You soon grew bored of looking at peoples accounts to see if they are safe to let them see you so you look through your existing subscribers. You look through the people who have your premium stuff and notice the familiar blue tiger. A flash of curiosity ran through your veins as you click on the profile. The name of the profile read Dan Lansing. You had a feeling that wasn't the actual name of the person behind the profile because most people don't want people knowing they pay to see naked women.

You go to google and search the logo. You find that it belong to a man that goes by MrBeast, a "famous" youtuber. After watching a couple of the videos you come to the conclusion that he is somewhat attractive. Looking at the profile, you decide that the person following you account is someone random. This 'MrBeast' guy doesn't seem like the type to pay for any kind of stuff like this. 

After uploading your video you put your computer away. The days in your one bedroom apartment are lonely. It;s the same routine almost everyday. Scroll through social media, eat, film a video, check comments, scroll through social media, eat then sleep. A very uneventful life. On special occasions you would have to leave to go get groceries or shop around for new toys when your fans wouldn't buy any. Sometimes your fans would send you the money then you would have to go out and look for the thing they want or you would glimpse the internet for it. You were pretty satisfied sitting on your couch at 10:30 pm the afternoon reading through comments people have left on your new video. 

Most of the comments on your videos are men telling you how sexy and gorgeous you looked or asking you to wear or do something in your next video. As you notice a comment by the blue tiger you get a message. Most messages are creepy men asking if they could fuck you and you always block those people. You were ready to hit the block button but you stopped midway. It was the blue tiger guy that had messaged you. Before you checked it you read his comment, "Please check your messages" it read. 

The blue tiger was in your message inbox. You figured he'd request a certain outfit or an action but what he actually asked left you in shock. "How would you feel about having a sugar daddy?" A little taken back you reread the message about ten times. You had hope that this was the famous youtuber that you've seen moments before. The chances of it being anyone else was very high but you let your heart fall into the little hole. Your life was very uneventful and to have this excited you. 

"Define sugar daddy." You decide to text back.

Within seconds there was a reply. "I'll fly you out and pay for anything you want if I get explicit nudes and the occasional fuck."

"Jesus he has balls." You mumble to yourself. The idea of someone else taking care of you and acting like a boyfriend peaked your interest. The whole patreon thing gave you a solid income for rent but you needed more to be living comfortably. You flip onto your back and type, "Who are you anyway? Doesn't seem safe for me to fly out to fuck a stranger."

"Does my profile pic look familiar to you?"

"I've done my research. Why would someone like MrBeast be paying for my stuff? Much less keep your profile pic the same."

"Would you believe me if I told you I was him?"

You inhale sharply as read the last message sent. A big part of you wanted to not fall for this trick and just not reply. Another part of you was tired of barely scraping by and wanted something new. "Prove it." You type.

Moments pass with no response. Putting your phone face down on your pillow, stretch and slide down you sheets onto the carpeted floor. You gather enough energy to get up and get something to eat. A shiver ran up your spine as you stepped onto the tile floor that made up your kitchen. You shuffle over over to your fridge and inspect the little food you have. Grabbing an orange, you shuffle back to your bed. 

A photo was sent to the chat. You were hesitant to open it but your curiosity got the best of you. A very groggy looking Jimmy was the photo. He wasn't wearing a shirt, his pale skin contrasting with his dark sheets. His hair was disheveled and his cheeks were a blushed pink. He must be embarrassed about what he was asking. His eyes were halfway closed and his lips were barely in a smile. The picture didn't look stolen or screenshotted. You still had your doubts. "How is that proof."

 "Tell me how to prove it to you."

"Give me your phone number." You took a moment before you hit send. You figured that it would be hard to imitate MrBeast's voice and you could always FaceTime.

A string of numbers was sent. You stare at the numbers for a moment, convincing yourself that this was him. Your thumb hovered over the numbers before copying and pasting it to your call logs. Would it be rude if I FaceTimed first? You thought to yourself. You hit the FaceTime button, deciding that it was more believable if you could see his face.

The familiar voomff was heard and a tired looking Jimmy appeared on your phone screen. 

"Oh wow it's really you." You heard his southern accent through your phone speakers. He looked exactly like the photo he sent.

"What do you mean it's really me?" You say as casually as possible. It occurred to you that he may not have ever heard your actual voice since your videos are mostly you moaning and talking in what you like to call "your baby voice".

"Like... I've been watching your videos for a while now and... you're the only one that I've had any really interest in. It's almost 1 am and I'm so tired but I wanted to take my shot with you. And... you did. I honestly though you'd block me." He ended his spiel with an embarrassed smile. 

Speechless, you tried to muster up words. Why haven't I ever noticed him before? You wonder. "So you want to be my sugar daddy?" You chuckle.

"I wanted to get your attention." The man's cheeks blushed a rose pink as he rolled into his pillow.

"So you opted with sugar daddy?"

"Okay, okay. I did like the idea of having you around. I'll pay whatever you want. I'll provide necessities and housing. I just have this strong feeling to have you around Y/S/N."

Your heart fluttered. It was weird having him call you by your screen name but it still hit you in a way you've never felt before. "Aren't you worried I'll post this on Twitter and damage your career?"

"With the price I'm willing to pay you'll keep your pretty mouth shut." He said it absent mindlessly, the sleep crawling up and slowly taking him. "Plus, you don't seem like the type."

"Huh... Don't see why not."

Jimmy's brown eyes flashed open for a split second then relaxed once again. He was clearly falling asleep. "Was that a yes?" He said groggily. 


"Great. I'll text you with details in the morning. Goodnight love."

With an eye roll, you reply. "Goodnight,"

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