Katrina And Roberto Story

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Once Upon A Time

There Was A Boy Name Roberto

And A Girl Name Katrina

The Story Of A Little Boy Was Horrible

His Parents Died When He Was 5 Years Old And The Boy Noticed That

No One Was Left In The House Except Him, But Thinking Of Him.. He Has To Go To His Aunt's House To Live!

His Aunt's Name Is Linda

So Here Is The Conversation Starts

Roberto: Auntie Linda! (Knocking) Auntie Linda (Shouting)

Linda: Ow! Its You Roberto! What Can I Do For You?

Roberto: Auntie, You Know That Im Not Lying To You

Linda: Yes Your Not

Roberto: My Parents Just Die Hitted By A Car.

Linda: My Gosh! When Did Your Parents Died?

Roberto: Last Week, July 02, 1949

                   Can I Stay With You Auntie Plsss!

Linda: Sure Roberto No Problem!

         Days Have Been Pass, Roberto Saw A Girl Playing Outside

Roberto: Who Is That Girl? (Thinking)


Surprisingly! Roberto Suddenly come To The Girl's Place!

Roberto:Hello Girl! Whats Your Name?

Katrina: Well My Name Is Katrina. What About You?

Roberto: Im Roberto, Can We Be Friends? (Giggling)

Katrina: Yes! Im Just New Here

But They Didn't Know They Have a Crush On Each other!

       Many Years Have Been Pass

              Roberto And Katrina Is 19 Years Old

Roberto: Katrina! Katrina (Knocking)


Roberto: What Took You So Long Katrina: I Was Just Fixing My Bed

Roberto: Katrina I Have To Tell You Something :)

Katrina: Okay, Whats That?

Roberto: Im Very Confuse Telling You This But "Can I Be Your Boyfriend?"

Katrina: What!? Are You Kidding! Yes!

Roberto: Wait? Did You Just say Yes!

Katrina: Yes I Did

Roberto: Thank God I Love You Baby :)

Katrina: Love You Too

      4 Years Have Passed, Katrina And Roberto Are Still With Each Other. And Katrina Didn't Know That Roberto Is Planning How To Propose To Katrina..

(Roberto at the Ring Shop)

Roberto: Hello, How Much Is This Ring

SalesLady: That Costs 60,000 Pesos

Roberto: Well What About That Diamond One?

Saleslady: 80 000 Pesos

Roberto: May I Have That Diamond One Please?

Saleslady: Here It Is

  Roberto Got Home And Ask Katrina For A DINNER DATE

Roberto: Katrina! Are You Free For Our Dinner Date Tonight?

Katrina: Yes But Can You Wait For Me?

Roberto: Yes Just Dress Up Quickly

    Katrina and Roberto Is Finish Dressing Up

Roberto: Katrina Are You Done?

Katrina: Yes

Roberto: Lets Go?

Katrina: Okay Baby

Hours Later,  They Finally Arrived at The Hotel Restaurant,

Roberto: Will You Marry Me Katrina?

Katrina: Yes Baby I Will

Roberto: Thank you. BABY I LOVE YOU


Roberto: Baby I Was Planning About Our Marriage.

Katrina: Next Week Baby?

Roberto:Yeah Baby Its Our Anniversary

Katrina: okay

      Days Passed Katrina And Roberto Are Married!

Katrina: Daddy! I Cannot. Believe Were Married. :)

Roberto: Me To Mommy :)

     9 Months Pass Katrina Is Pregnant!



Katrina: I Was Thinking About The Names

Roberto: Its Up To You Mommy

Katrina: What about Cassandra Sophia S. Middleton

And The Other One Is Alexandra Coline S. Middleton?

Roberto: That's A Very Beautiful Name Mommy

Katrina: Sure It Is Daddy :)

Alright reserve 1986

Directed By: Francine Castillo

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2014 ⏰

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