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Hey everyone! How are you all doing today? Good, I hope :)

Well, it's that time again. I am back again with another fanfic!.

This idea suddenly hit me last night so I quickly wrote it down in my notes and here we are.

I fully fledged out the story and I hope that it doesn't disappoint.

Well, it isn't actually a story, more of a cute, one-shot/drabble of some sorts. But oh whatever take your pick X)

As usual, I apologize in advance if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes. English is not my first language.

I also apologize if there is any occ-ness!.

Furthermore, I do NOT own The devil is a part-timer!.

Authors Note!: I know that Lucifer and Crestia Bell are more known as Urushihara and Suzuno but I'll just be calling them by their real names for this whole fanfic. So please, keep that in mind. Thank you in advance :)

Now, with all of that out of the way let's begin x3

Rated: T


The apartment was silent except for the sounds of Lucifer typing on the keyboard of his laptop and Crestia her knife hitting the wooden cutting board. The two shared a comfortable silence that either of them didn't mind. They weren't particularly close but they could stand each other, unlike a certain red-haired hero.

Crestia frowned, causing her cutting to temporarily stop midway. She didn't understand why Emilia still had a problem with their demon companions. In Crestia her eyes they had pretty much proven themselves when they fought Sariel, protecting the people of this city and even Emilia herself so why?. Why did she still hold a grudge? And especially against Lucifer in particular.

Sure Crestia knew what he had done back then when he first arrived in this world and that he had done some stupids things here and there but that was no reason to hate him. Besides he had good qualities his wings...

The last thought made Crestia pause completely. Come to think of it, she had never really seen his wings before, let alone up close. Sure she knew that they were black but that was about it. She wondered if he would be willing to show her...

Crestia quickly shook her head, erasing her thoughts before resuming the cutting of the vegetables. What was she thinking? Of course, he would never do that.

But despite how hard she tried and how hard she worked she couldn't erase the thoughts of his wings out of her mind. She was drawn to them now somehow...she needed to see...

She calmly finished up the fresh bowl of ramen that she made for him and put it down beside Lucifer his computer on the small table. "Here," She said simply as she sat down beside him, folding her hands in her lap. Lucifer muttered a soft "thanks" without looking away from the screen. Not even acknowledging her.

The previous silence that hung around the small apartment resumed. Lucifer was doing whatever on that strange device and Crestia was lost in her thoughts. Debating if she should make a move or not.

In the end, she settled on doing what she wanted, asking him about his wings. She knew that this might be her only chance for a long time to come since both Mao and Alciel were out grocery shopping today. And who knew when they would be back...

Eventually, after more silence, Crestia decided to pop the question. Lucifer was in the middle of drinking some juice when Crestia spoke. "Hey Lucifer, can I see your wings?" She asked bluntly, her face as stoic as usual.

[ Wings. ] A Suzuno x Lucifer one-shot.Where stories live. Discover now