Tell Him

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Y/N's POV:

I'd been friends with the boys for years. I had always had a crush on Andy though. I'd always hidden my feelings because I don't want to ruin our friendship. Only Robbie knows. He was always telling me to tell Andy.

"You have to tell him Y/N!" Robbie exclaimed.

"No! He doesn't like me like that!" I argued back.

"How would you know? You've never asked him." Robbie reasoned.

"Never asked who what?" Andy spoke from the doorway.

"Well," Robbie started.

"Don't you dare! No one needs to know!" I put my hand over Robbie's mouth, stopping him from telling Andy.

"No one needs to know what?" Andy questioned, coming nearer.

"Nothing. It's not important."

Robbie mumbled something but it was muffled by my hand.

"Speak Robbie! Share your hateful wisdom!" Andy pulled my hand away from Robbie's mouth.

"What I was trying to say was-"

"Say it and I kill you!" I warned though gritted teeth.

"This is no time for violence child. Let the man speak," Andy smirked as he gestured for Robbie to continue.

"Please just say it Y/N?" Robbie pleaded.


"Why not?" Andy asked.

"Uh... I don't want to?" I said it as more of a question, causing Andy to chuckle slightly.

"Just tell him!" Robbie sighed.

"But-" I began to argue when Robbie interrupted me.

"No. Tell him now or else I will!" Robbie threatened.

"You wouldn't," I was unsure of whether or not I should believe him.

"Oh, I would," Robbie smirked.

"Please tell me Y/N. You know you can trust me, right?" Andy looked at me with puppy eyes.

"Okay, fine!" I gave in, exasperated.

"I'll leave you to it," Robbie smirked as he left the room.

"Before I say anything, promise me that you won't hate me after this?" I pleaded.

"I could never hate you Y/N."

"Okay, well... Uh... I kind of, maybe, like you. As in, more than just friends... I know you probably hate me now but-" I was cut off by Andy's lips slamming into mine.

He pulled back from the kiss, resting his forehead against mine.

"I kind of, maybe, like you too. Y/N, I've wanted to say this for ages but I didn't think you felt the same way so, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"Of course," I blushed as I answered.

He smiled before kissing me again, this time more passionately than before.

Andy ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now